Man what
Ak a straight L o s e r
This makes it even worse.
1) says this is the first time drake has ever called him
2) used drakes album being delayed because she couldn’t record as the reason to apologize not because he genuinely just needed to apologize.
3) meaning he was never really sorry in the first place.
Not really. We always make fun of Ak cause Drake hangs with Adin and xQC instead of him. Was smart to stay distant from him. Only thing I can think of is when he sent the real Push Ups when the rough one leaked
He's sampled on Pushups Unlike those guys, he's actually part of Drake's discography and the beef forever. A beef in which Drake was later accused of being surrounded by freaky ass niggas
Not a good look for Drake at all
It’s all on tape fam. I don’t recommend watching it. However, I’ll say the 15 y/o handled himself like a g
He's lying about Happy Dad at least and Stake did unfollow him
He claimed he had just been suspended from twitch but it's a permanent ban
His mod lied saying he weren't banned on Twitter he confirmed he's banned and he said stake never followed him on IG in the first place. Happy dad never banned him aswell
yeah he wasnt offensive at all until fm/mtg/nlu for whatever reason
then weirdo wanted to start playing phrenologist on the so called psychology of the black man with kendrick
disgusting and its pathtic and sobering how these weirdos always end up down one of the two worst of the worst roads, even down to the hardcore gimmick defender weirdoes on this site that have left drake sxn a ghost town. same with youtubers and streamers and they all now congregate on reddit and kick
something in the water
I still can't get my head around the fact that he really said "I could kinda tell" as a response to Justin Hunte saying that he doesn't use the n word
Crazy how much slimmer he was back then. But I guess being an alcoholic piggy will do that to you
Damn this is crazy
Crazy how much slimmer he was back then. But I guess being an alcoholic piggy will do that to you
Unlimited henny and doordash
All these outlets posting this as the reason for his ban smfh...
Everything about that spin is a lie
All these outlets posting this as the reason for his ban smfh...
Everything about that spin is a lie
“Akademiks-owned X page claims”
Crazy how much slimmer he was back then. But I guess being an alcoholic piggy will do that to you
and sitting at a computer all day
ba da bop ba baaaaaaaaaaaaa