
    Btw he said this won’t affect him unless it gets posted on shaderoom too. There’s gotta be a way to make that happen

    Spreading the clips more and also highlighting that it was Tory Lanez manager also involved. TSR loves to d***ride Tory Lanez and TSR has a lot of Tory Lanez d***riders following them, so that should be enough to get them to wanna pick up the clips because it'll definitely get them views.

  • Jan 25
    1 reply

    Look at his ig comments, everyone exposing him

  • Jan 25
    7 replies

    Cte has entered the chat

  • I legit know a girl he tried to groom when she was 16 but for whatever reason that s*** don’t be a career ender

  • Jan 25
    3 replies

    Cte has entered the chat

    I feel bad for Meek because his only flaw is being unable to articulate himself

  • Jan 25
    1 reply

    I feel bad for Meek because his only flaw is being unable to articulate himself

    He need to start posting video posts only

    Twitter fingers ironically are his Achilles heel


    Sad part is that redpill manosphere space he put himself in is strong enough to not care about this at all

    Thats why they all go that way

    If they part of that alt right anti women group they def an abuser in some form

  • Jan 25
    1 reply

    People gonna look past this for inside carti info/speculation unfortunately

    We are beyond cooked

  • WT777

    Cte has entered the chat

    Only meek could go after Ak and still be wrong

  • waypts

    I feel bad for Meek because his only flaw is being unable to articulate himself

    He just doesn't have a PR team to clean up his tweets that's really all lmao

  • WT777

    Cte has entered the chat

    Nah wait Meek actually cookin with this AI bit aside

  • OVOJersey

    Yall really let these RU alumni get famous off streaming then bug out when they the same weird ass old f***s from back then lol

    Ru alumni? what’s the correlation to their behavior from back then?

  • Jan 25
    1 reply

    Yall really let these RU alumni get famous off streaming then bug out when they the same weird ass old f***s from back then lol

    We aint do nothing i been wanting him gone since he made free throw jokes during a chiraq video about wade’s relative that died

  • WT777

    He need to start posting video posts only

    Twitter fingers ironically are his Achilles heel

    a meek livestream would be revealing taking questions from audience. i’d like to hear his side of the story but could he do it without getting in legal hot water? maybe he should do it from a remote island just in case

  • Jan 25
    1 reply

    Cte has entered the chat

    How did meek make this into

    “See! I’m not gay!!”

  • young majid

    How did meek make this into

    “See! I’m not gay!!”

    somehow you perfectly summed up how Meek got into this.

  • WT777

    Cte has entered the chat

    meek was like

  • WT777

    Cte has entered the chat

    Meek if you’re gay it’s ok bro 😂. Damn brother

  • Love seeing this b**** nigga actually get pressed and held accountable by the community he claims to be a part of (streamers). Can't just ignore and s*** talk your way outta this one big dog

  • Jan 25
    1 reply

    Them predators move in flocks!

  • chili

    Them predators move in flocks!

    The factory

    The flock

    … I’ve said too much

  • Jan 25
    1 reply

    How AK even find this kid?
