Yes I'm aware that Cole most likely produced a good handful of his artists' songs
But my point still stands aside from that, prove me wrong.
Shut the f*** up bro
Cole is the least interesting artist on that roster
Yeah Cole is an easier package but it's cause he's not doing anything unique.
Even when he tries to like with KOD he drops the concept and gets unfocused.
at this point i cant decide which ones are worse. J. cole haters or j. cole stans
at this point i cant decide which ones are worse. J. cole haters or j. cole stans
its actually j cole
its actually j cole
man spent more than an hour trying to have a serious conversation with lil pump. Gotta respect that
is this an achievement? making better music than cole is as easy as uploading 10 5/10 songs to soundcloud
at this point i cant decide which ones are worse. J. cole haters or j. cole stans
i can't name rapper in dreamvill besides cozz and bas. and them niggas is nowhere on coles level maybe cozz but bas...NO
why do y'all make these circlejerk threads?
The majority of KTT already hates Cole’s guts. If the point of these threads is to agitate Cole fans it’s just targeting a small group