but if you a terrible person and DONT snitch
then you a real nigga
King von can rest in piss too lol
Ride around in Harlem at 3am with no vest as a known snitch and killer brehs
King von can rest in piss too lol
Bruh chill with all the rest in piss s*** on niggas u dont even know
Niggas gone get whats coming to them, dont put yourself in that negative light
Bruh chill with all the rest in piss s*** on niggas u dont even know
Niggas gone get whats coming to them, dont put yourself in that negative light
Bro, I really don’t care tbh. Y’all care about rappers way too much. Just because a person can make music doesn’t exempt them from being a bad person. None of us know Hitler or Ted Bundy, they can both rot in piss. Von was a bonafide psychopath that could rhyme words, he can rot in piss
Ride around in Harlem at 3am with no vest as a known snitch and killer brehs
Fr, whole situation is a dog’s breakfast
Bro, I really don’t care tbh. Y’all care about rappers way too much. Just because a person can make music doesn’t exempt them from being a bad person. None of us know Hitler or Ted Bundy, they can both rot in piss. Von was a bonafide psychopath that could rhyme words, he can rot in piss
Nigga just compared king von to hitler lmfao
I'll be honest. Surprised it took this long. There were two places he couldn't go: Harlem and DC yet he thought he could walk around Harlem like it was sweet? Come on yo.
Jewish people love king von, @cgodjr never read the Torah or got invited to a Bar mitzvah &it’s starting to show bro
King von can rest in piss too lol
why? He was getting at niggas that were killing his homies
why? He was getting at niggas that were killing his homies
That doesn’t mean anything bro. He still killed them.
Nigga just compared king von to hitler lmfao
These niggas dumb as f*** n u know this
Also alpo was 100% selling bricks still by the money he was getting til today
Hilarious that people think this is some s*** from the 80’s when this dumbass probably was still moving and shaking doing foul s*** to new people lmaoo