WHAT’S YOUR BMI N---A?! How much carbs and calories did you intake today, and how many did you burn? Let’s talk about those numbers
How many of your girlfriend’s toes did Lil Tracy put in his mouth? And how long you let her stay in your crib afterwards? Let’s talk about those numbers
How old was Bhad Bhabbie when you was asking her about her p---y and who she was f—king? Let’s talk about those numbers
How many videos of you instigating and making fun of children in Chicago killing each other did you upload to YouTube? Let’s talk about those numbers.
Lets use Pythagorean Theorem to figure out what degree angle your hairline is
Your barber gotta use the slope formula to cut your hair n--a
This n---a wanna be “Charlemagne Tha 6ix9ne” so badly, how you still discovering yourself and tryna find your identity at 30 years old? Let’s talk about those numbers.
Since you like talking about numbers so much, how many days has it been since the last time you ate a salad or drank some water?
How long until your die of liver failure? I’m going to assume your mother is at retirement age and you’re the one taking care of her financially. You really bout to die and leave her alone in that expensive a—house?
I might’ve taken that last one too far, but f—k it. Lose some weight Tubby-Demiks.
Any rappers beefing with Akademiks reading this, feel free to copy/paste next time you wanna publicly air him out.
That Akademiks talk corny.
Got his ass! Ak is speechless!
Jesus Christ don't ever write something as cringe worthy again in your life man
Thread backfired
I couldn't find a better opportunity to get these bars off. I posted this thread knowing I would get this response