Breyer's Brand "ice cream" doesn't contain enough diary ingredients or kept at a cold enough temperature to be allowed to be sold and advertised s "ice cream" according to food regulations.
That's why if you ever pick up a container of the stuff, no where on the packaging does it ever refer to the product as "ice cream", instead they use the term "frozen diary dessert"
The same applies to Wendy's Frostys and McDonalds "Shakes"
Speaking of McDonalds Shakes, if anyone remember the old shakes before they switched the recipe/how it's prepared, the old used to be made from a instant powder mix, now they just blend their vanilla soft serve (also not allowed to be called ice cream):
Kraft Singles are not real cheese, they are "pasteurized prepared cheese product"
Processes Cheese Product:
Kraft parmesan are not real "cheese", they are f***ing wood shavings
"Kraft singles do not qualify for the US FDA Pasteurized Processed Cheese labeling. For this reason Kraft labels them Pasteurized Prepared Cheese Product to avoid FDA sanctions..."
"Kraft singles do not qualify for the US FDA Pasteurized Processed Cheese labeling. For this reason Kraft labels them Pasteurized Prepared Cheese Product to avoid FDA sanctions..."
F*** these companies decieving us
thats good and all but wendys frostys fye
them McDonald’s shakes smack but I’m lactose intolerant so it always ends bad
Then you must be REALLY lactose intolerant, because again, doesn't contain enough diary.
yeah iykyk, most of these products if REAL wouldn’t be able to sit on shelves for as long as they could
yeah iykyk, most of these products if REAL wouldn’t be able to sit on shelves for as long as they could
That makes since tbh
All that processed food definitely pumped with all types of chemicals to keep their shelf life so long
I've made threads about this on KTT1 YEARS AGO! The subway tuna sandwich thread made me want to bring it back up.
I've made threads about this on KTT1 YEARS AGO! The subway tuna sandwich thread made me want to bring it back up.
aint no food real nowadays