It simply does not move me, yet grown men (and women) weep passionately when their team loses, or a favorite athlete blows it. Who cares if The Clippers win the chip? (Someone has to win it.) Who cares about tom brady's completion rate? Not me chum. Anyone else feel the same?
Nah man I be feeling like a lame cuz I don’t care about sports. Most my boys skaters for the most part tho so it’s cool none of us care lol. It be weird at family s*** tho when half the fam talking about s*** I have 0 clue about
Not an loser... I just don't feel a need to sublimate my identity to some arbitrary larger group (especially one which participates in organized conflict/drama on a regular basis eg most sports teams) in order to derive a sense of meaning and excitement from life.
You pleb.
I generally find enjoyment in watching the absolute best in any given craft
Doesn’t really matter what it is. I will stop to watch a master perform.
You have to be part inept to not understand why sports is endearing for people.. especially those who don't live sedentary lifestyles
NBA is the only sport I follow. I’ll watch p much any sport if it’s on the tv atm, except for football tho. NFL is a slavery league
Nah my brother is like that too, he used to but stopped like 2011. My cousin don’t care about them either
Me I love it. Always f***ed with basektball/football/soccer so I watch nba and nfl think it just comes with the territory of being a male. But no you don’t have to like sports
I generally find enjoyment in watching the absolute best in any given craft
Doesn’t really matter what it is. I will stop to watch a master perform.
Is this why I don’t give a f*** about college sports
Is this why I don’t give a f*** about college sports
Probably bro. That's why I don't. The atmosphere is cool and all that but I have no desire to watch sports being played at anything but a professional level.
I kinda like NBA but other than that honestly bruh I always been more into music. Like I be into the rap game, business and history like it’s sports s*** weird
I hate it too because people use stuff like sports to start convos and “gauge” you as a person which ripples into other relationships and opportunities. I’ve seen my boy build relationships from scratch just by making small talk with random niggas about the Packers last game or whatever
I generally find enjoyment in watching the absolute best in any given craft
Doesn’t really matter what it is. I will stop to watch a master perform.
Care to watch me jerk off then? I'm a master baiter