So my immediate family comes to me for every little tech issue that they have. Whether it’s a password or general iPhone s***. But lately it’s irking me. Like can you not use Google?
For example, my brother is editing a short film for his class that’s due on Monday. This is some s*** we put real work into like shooting raw footage, it needs color grading, sound design, etc.
But the more he’s asked for help the more I’ve kinda been annoyed by it. For context I’ve been editing videos since I was like 10 and it’s something I do for work. HOWEVER, I am pretty much self taught. Almost every trick and skill I picked up is something I either played around and figured out for myself or looked up on YouTube. And for more complicated s*** I’m cool helping out, but where I get annoyed is when I’m asked to walk him through how to create proxy files. That would’ve taken me 30 seconds to google and do. Instead, I’m being called to go over to his room and physically show him. Like you couldn’t just google it?
It bugs me and it also reaffirms my thought that Gen Z and Gen Alpha are technologically illiterate to a degree (for context I was born in ‘97 so I’m just old enough to qualify as Gen Z)
I feel like I’m rambling. Might delete this in the morning.
start sending lmgtfy links
How old is your brother?
You should physically hurt him.
I feel you op, but most ppl are just lazy. Like people will ask you to fix something and they don’t even care to check Google first or something. Tell him to try to fix it himself first before helping him again.
OP, you need to have an honest conversation about this with him and tell him how you feel
i been dealing with being family tech support for over a decade now so i feel you. surprisingly i don't get asked as often as i used to despite me actually working in tech now but that's probably because i'm home a lot less versus when i was younger.
give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime
My brother is 20 and I had to tell him that it’s not that I want to hang him out to dry but he just needs to start trying to figure s*** out himself