  • Oct 17, 2021

    The idea would be that when you become 21 yrs of age,everyone gets a moral currency account. It starts at 0 but your able to purchase anything you ever dreamed of,you could buy Amazon if Jeff Bezos agreed to it with your moral currency account. Only catch is that you have 1 purchase like this and then after that,your 0 turns into a huge negative balance you have to pay back,morally.

    Actual money will still exist for clothing,food and frivolous things,but as far as big purchases are concerned like buying acres of land,a house or even a car,it has to be done with moral currency. Jobs as low as working at McDonalds would have to shelter their workers with apartments and pay their workers morally and also with real money. The more lucrative and better the job is,the more opportunities to work and own things through your job like a car,house or even land. Jobs/careers would stop being a means of survival and actually reward people for hard work while moral currency would give said workers something up their sleeve if managed correctly.

    Basically,everyone in the world if they could make it to 21 would and should have some type of opportunity to either manage an unlimited amount of funds for one huge life changing shot or they can just totally blow it. I can’t imagine a homeless person feeling too compelled to work at KFC cause their getting paid nothing and being asked to survive off it,even if it’s a crappy hole,every job should be giving people the option to work for shelter and career jobs should cater to the workers.

    I imagine doing significant good deeds,getting people to make note of it and reporting them at a certain time of the yr like taxes could be a thing too. Pipedream stuff I know but money as we know it is collapsing anyway so…

  • Oct 17, 2021
    1 reply

    BTC out now

  • Oct 17, 2021
    1 reply

    lol what the f***

  • Oct 17, 2021

  • Oct 17, 2021
    1 reply

    nice for a sci fi movie

    absolutely terrible for our age

  • Oct 17, 2021
    math fifty

    BTC out now

    Behind The C***s OUT NOW

  • Oct 17, 2021
    1 reply

    nice for a sci fi movie

    absolutely terrible for our age

    You think there’s too much classism in the world for any of this to happen? I do too but still

  • Oct 17, 2021

    Beyond The Cock

  • Oct 17, 2021
    1 reply

    You think there’s too much classism in the world for any of this to happen? I do too but still


    Inventing money already f***ed our world beyond repair and a new currency would only make the same ppl in control now even more powerful and the less fortunate even worse

    your idea behind it is noble and kind but I just cant see it working in the grand scale of things

  • Oct 17, 2021
    1 reply

    I just want healthcare man

  • Oct 17, 2021
    1 reply


  • Oct 17, 2021
    2 replies

    I just want healthcare man

    healthcare should be free in every country

    govts should HELP their people survive not FORCE em to

    the concept of paying for an ambulance is f***in crazy to me

  • Oct 17, 2021

    Took acid 3 days ago

  • Oct 17, 2021
    1 reply


    Inventing money already f***ed our world beyond repair and a new currency would only make the same ppl in control now even more powerful and the less fortunate even worse

    your idea behind it is noble and kind but I just cant see it working in the grand scale of things

    I do believe if every person had all the money in the world to purchase one thing,they’d probably f*** it up. It’s not necessarily about that though,it’s about giving people that opportunity so if they ever feel like they’ve f***ed up in life,they always got that one shot. But yep,there would be so many politics and intended confusion around an idea like that,just so it wouldn’t invoke the change people seek smh.

  • Oct 17, 2021



  • Oct 17, 2021
    1 reply

    I do believe if every person had all the money in the world to purchase one thing,they’d probably f*** it up. It’s not necessarily about that though,it’s about giving people that opportunity so if they ever feel like they’ve f***ed up in life,they always got that one shot. But yep,there would be so many politics and intended confusion around an idea like that,just so it wouldn’t invoke the change people seek smh.

    everyone deserves a shot. There's tribal ppl that dont even know electricity exist.

    The lower class would benefit a lot, the middle would be 50/50 and the high class has too much to even care enough.

    The moral ''standards'' are the real issue. What would be the groundwork? human rights? govt law and religion?

  • Oct 17, 2021
    1 reply

    crazy, ass in my face right now

  • It wouldn’t work, you can’t buy/get some things even if you put a monetary value on them. Just give people basic necessities like a roof over their head,food, healthcare, clothes and make social mobility available for everyone by making schools, universities and trade schools free and admissions merit based

  • Oct 17, 2021
    4 replies

    what was the movie where ppl could buy lifespan called?

    imagine a black market for karma

  • Oct 17, 2021
    3 replies

    what was the movie where ppl could buy lifespan called?

    imagine a black market for karma

    limitless w bradley cooper

  • Oct 17, 2021
    1 reply

    healthcare should be free in every country

    govts should HELP their people survive not FORCE em to

    the concept of paying for an ambulance is f***in crazy to me

    Free healthcare which come from citizens paying taxes only means strong and healthy population which in return you get booming and healthy economy

    But no, this is not the way in America

  • Oct 17, 2021
    www quakerboy us

    limitless w bradley cooper

    yes, amazing

  • Oct 17, 2021
    3 replies

    @op wants a human credit score

  • Oct 17, 2021
    1 reply

    Free healthcare which come from citizens paying taxes only means strong and healthy population which in return you get booming and healthy economy

    But no, this is not the way in America

    there must be something else to it that I dont get bro

    I cant see why a country that invests so much in self-defense would willingly let its ppl die so easily

    sounds counterproductive

  • Oct 17, 2021
