The lion dude was nuts
Omni man ain't even trying to hide his a****** tendencies anymore
Rex be getting lucky in these fights man. Just a regular d***head with explosive charge powers and he somehow survived a fight w battle beast
Rex be getting lucky in these fights man. Just a regular d***head with explosive charge powers and he somehow survived a fight w battle beast
bro throwing coins out of his pockets n s***
bro throwing coins out of his pockets n s***
dude definitely not guardians of the globe material lol
For the comic readers Y'all think they're going to include the rape scene? I think they're going to have it implied but never show it to the "extent" that the comic did
For the comic readers Y'all think they're going to include the rape scene? I think they're going to have it implied but never show it to the "extent" that the comic did
not a comic reader but i read up a lot and i gotta say i hope they don’t. mad unnecessary. we already know they’re capable of bad s*** but that’s so extra
not a comic reader but i read up a lot and i gotta say i hope they don’t. mad unnecessary. we already know they’re capable of bad s*** but that’s so extra
Yeah i'm thinking the same. Like even though at this point people have realized that this show is wayyyyy more brutal than it seems at first, I feel like going in that direction would turn a lot of people off
What’s the chances we get picked up for a second season?
For the comic readers Y'all think they're going to include the rape scene? I think they're going to have it implied but never show it to the "extent" that the comic did
Definitely, they'd have to omit a whole storyline if they skip it.
What’s the chances we get picked up for a second season?
I hope it's high, I'm not sure if this is getting real world hype like like that. The Boys was a hit but i'm not sure about this at all.
What’s the chances we get picked up for a second season?
Think we’ll def get S2 off of the acclaim this has alone. It’s gonna pick up fans over time who end up quickly binging the show after S1 ends and want more.
With Kirkman behind this too he def had much more plans. He said this:
The time required for production is overwhelming. I think we have spent a good number of years developing and working this season. I hope that when we move on to season two and beyond, things will be easier. There’s definitely a lot less to design and a few things that have to happen to get started with season two. It is entirely possible that there is already work that has been done for the second season. So I think we are at a good time to move on if the show is successful.
What’s the chances we get picked up for a second season?
High imo
Both Big Omni Man scenes from episode 1 and 2 already have a million + views on YouTube
For the comic readers Y'all think they're going to include the rape scene? I think they're going to have it implied but never show it to the "extent" that the comic did
most media doesn't need it to be shown fully. This show is one of them. It's already kind of jarring with the gore and violence, I don't think a rape scene adds any more emphasis than what is already there.
If it is tied with plot then it needs to be brief