This episode paid everything off from the past 3 episodes. Omni got scary af
This just might be the best episode so far IMO.
F***ing immortal VS omni fight was so badass
this episode went f***ing crazy... holy s***
so is Robot technically a pedo
immortal waking up and spazzing was cold as f***
His whole energy this episode:
Sheesh we need the finale
Show is great
episode was insanity. on live tv too.
need season 2 announcement too
The show runner is doing an AMA today at 1 I think
That MOS reference
If Cecil is counting on invincible to beat Omniman, we ain’t been watching the same show lmao
Poor Donald
RIP grown up Bobby Hill
When Nolan flew into the satellite laser thingy
Saw on reddit that it could be an Akira one as well
they kinda both are
Cecil a cool ass character
Ooh ok right
Episode 7 was amazing
rip my nigga Donald
Can’t wait for black invincible