have not had that kind of rush watching a cartoon since watching DBZ back in the day lol
have not had that kind of rush watching a cartoon since watching DBZ back in the day lol
4real s*** brought me back to when Krillin got murked
Same energy
wish so many of these fights didn’t end in like a single decapitating blow, but rather a full fledged fight til someone can’t take anymore
wish so many of these fights didn’t end in like a single decapitating blow, but rather a full fledged fight til someone can’t take anymore
True both the coolest and lamest part of the action in the show tbh
It’s kinda annoying how people in the show keep giving the “why would Omni man do this” speech. He’s a f***ing space alien use your brain
Invincible > TFATWS > WandaVision
Marvel Studios gotta step their TV game up they getting out played here tbh
have not had that kind of rush watching a cartoon since watching DBZ back in the day lol
you mustve not seen goku and gang vs jiren
RIP Donald :(
But goddamn what an episode, finale gonna be nuts
donald was goated he really dodged an omni man attack with raw skill
For those who read the comics, how different is the show from it?
Amber arc is really different. Mom arc is really different.
Other than that, most characters and arcs seem to be the same, but the pacing is obviously different.