THEY DID THE "I'D HAVE YOU DAD" line , for some reason I thought they'd take it out.
What a finale man, I love how they added stuff like the train s*** 'cause that really showed off how Nolan couldn't care less + f***ed up Mark psychologically by making him unintentionally kill those people.
And then the Allen the Alien scene at the end , man we're entering the best arcs reallll soon.
Only disappointment I have is that I wished there was a Angstrom Levy post credit scene but I suppose (hope) they'll pop up in S2
Bruh i was just a viewer and i feel traumatized WTF Omni Man is a f\*\*\*ing savage monster
Can’t imagine the trauma inflicted on Mark
wait the finale is out???????????????????
YES. Caught me by surprise, thought it would be out tomorrow morning.
idk lol never read the comic issues
Im crine he's a f***ing alien I figured that s*** you know some Clark Kent s*** but lol
YES. Caught me by surprise, thought it would be out tomorrow morning.
every episode dropped on Thursdays at 8
amazing finale
was that old guy in the Viltrium flashback Conquest?
THEY DID THE "I'D HAVE YOU DAD" line , for some reason I thought they'd take it out.
What a finale man, I love how they added stuff like the train s*** 'cause that really showed off how Nolan couldn't care less + f***ed up Mark psychologically by making him unintentionally kill those people.
And then the Allen the Alien scene at the end , man we're entering the best arcs reallll soon.
Only disappointment I have is that I wished there was a Angstrom Levy post credit scene but I suppose (hope) they'll pop up in S2
future plot spoilers i got a feeling they’re saving him for the season 3 main villain
Holy f*** at the first half of the episode
Finale was great. I'll probably read through the series before season 2 starts up
future plot spoilers i got a feeling they’re saving him for the season 3 main villain
Yeah starting to think so too