Yea really good first season, I want to read the comic now. Voice acting was great especially from Steven Yuen in this finale put some respek on that boi
Think Omni-Man might top Homelander in terms of evil supermen. That train scene was sadistic
Omni man is more evil but homelander is a f***ing weirdo, jackin off on rooftops and s***
Yea really good first season, I want to read the comic now. Voice acting was great especially from Steven Yuen in this finale put some respek on that boi
He really nails the teenager voice, i forget its steven half the time
Gonna peep the comic
Omni Man the type to use Kryptonite in the most brutal way imaginable against Superman, y’all think he giving Batman prep time?
Just finished the finale and I can say without a doubt this is the best superhero show to come out this year
I can’t wait for 8 hours of mark ass beatings in s2 of-
Won’t be able to read the title next season
If all I did was get my ass beat I’d throw in the towel
f*** that im going back to high school
That first one got me
But yeah Omniman is not like Clark at all, he aint talking s*** out.
Omni Man the type to use Kryptonite in the most brutal way imaginable against Superman, y’all think he giving Batman prep time?
Bruce just needs to hop in his Hellbat suit and it’s a wrap for Nolan.