  • This episode was great. S3 has been fire

  • Best episode yet this season

  • Feb 16

    Even if you didn't read the comics there's context enough there to know he was bringing up things to come later in the show and this was crucial to Mark's progression

    Ight, thanks. Guess I'll just wait and see

  • Feb 16
    3 replies

    Should I read ahead cuz I’m getting kinda tired or are things heating up?

  • Osama bin Harden

    Should I read ahead cuz I’m getting kinda tired or are things heating up?

    Let the Invincible team splash you

  • Oliver #gottago

  • Was fun seeing that boy Battle Beast again nice action sequence

  • Feb 17
    1 reply

    tired of mark never having time for a date

  • Season been great

  • Feb 18
    2 replies

    Season rules but the animation took a nose dive

  • nine

    Season rules but the animation took a nose dive

    Especially after X Men 97

  • Feb 19
    2 replies

    Season rules but the animation took a nose dive

    Yeah, I definitely think the animation quality took a hit, which is wild considering how huge the show has become post-S1. I even saw someone suggest that, since the executives knew people would keep watching, they intentionally cut corners to save money - which would f***in suck if true.

  • Jonz

    Yeah, I definitely think the animation quality took a hit, which is wild considering how huge the show has become post-S1. I even saw someone suggest that, since the executives knew people would keep watching, they intentionally cut corners to save money - which would f***in suck if true.

    S1 had some really bad moments (entire Mars episode was Newgrounds quality)

    I don't think the animation has changed all that much there's just moments with really good set pieces

  • Feb 19
    1 reply

    Show isn't meant to be watched on a tv which is crazy to say

  • Feb 19
    1 reply

    Yeah, I definitely think the animation quality took a hit, which is wild considering how huge the show has become post-S1. I even saw someone suggest that, since the executives knew people would keep watching, they intentionally cut corners to save money - which would f***in suck if true.

    I really hated their explanation for it in s2 too. Seth Rogen and Robert Kirkman have enough money to fund quality projects but refuse to for probably obvious reasons

  • nine

    I really hated their explanation for it in s2 too. Seth Rogen and Robert Kirkman have enough money to fund quality projects but refuse to for probably obvious reasons

    that "explanation" was a meta joke in the comics they just adapted to a cartoon

    Feb 20
    Osama bin Harden

    Should I read ahead cuz I’m getting kinda tired or are things heating up?

    Similar pattern with the previous seasons

    Slow af start and ends up great near the end

  • good filler ep setting the stage for all the s*** thats boutta go down

  • so much pain

    Show isn't meant to be watched on a tv which is crazy to say

    You mean like it's meant to be watched on a phone/tablet?

  • earthwalka

    tired of mark never having time for a date

    Just you wait lol

  • Good episode with character building moments

  • The order apparently is building up a storyline based on Guardians spin-off comics?

  • Why didn’t Paul have a power dampener on from the start

  • Feb 21
    2 replies
    Osama bin Harden

    Should I read ahead cuz I’m getting kinda tired or are things heating up?

    The show isnt even like 20% through the story yet. This show is gonna take another decade or so. If youre not that patient, I recommend reading it
