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  • Jun 11, 2022
    1 reply

    That shot of Hughie just enjoying his new power while Kimiko is dying in the back

  • Jun 11, 2022

    SuperSonic’s death really f***ed me up, like holy f*** he must’ve died HORRIBLY

    I looks like Homelander just straight ripped his leg off, one of his arms was a stump so I’m assuming he ripped it off first so he couldn’t use his thunderclap powers. And then I guess he just hit him with a right hook so hard it tore his face off? Or maybe he could’ve smashed his face against something hard Jason X style. Whatever, point is that he was dismembered while alive, and that’s f***ing awful

    Idk it’s been on my mind just imagining what a horrible fate he had. It makes it scarier since they didn’t show the actual murder

  • Jun 11, 2022
    4 replies

    The crew really falling apart. Hughie high off compound V

    This nigga A Train really a b****. Homelander be disrespecting him but he goes to snitch to him about the plan 💀💀

  • Jun 11, 2022

    So do we know if MM is gonna get powers too? In the trailer there’s a prominent shot of him hitting something with a baseball bat and the bat just disintegrates

    I think V24 is gonna somehow be permanent. There’s too much of an emphasis on it being experimental and having unknown side effects. I really hope that’s the case so that they keep their powers. I’m really interested in Hughie’s relationship with the d*** now. I feel like he’s about to turn into a different character for a few episodes

  • Jun 11, 2022

    The crew really falling apart. Hughie high off compound V

    This nigga A Train really a b****. Homelander be disrespecting him but he goes to snitch to him about the plan 💀💀

    man I’m really hoping the theory of Homelander just saying it was A-Train who snitched just to cause discourse amongst the Seven is true. like HL could’ve easily heard their plan since they openly discuss it in the tower and we know he can hear absurd distances (like when Becca talked to that doctor in S2 and HL could hear the phone conversation from miles away). it would be the perfect move to break them all up that way. you’d know Starlight and A-Train will never collab again that way

  • Jun 11, 2022

    That shot of Hughie just enjoying his new power while Kimiko is dying in the back

    I feel like they’re just gonna use the last bit of V24 on her and she’ll get her powers back

    I think Hughie might’ve actually got powers whenever Butcher threw up in his mouth, and so there’ll be 1 more dose of V24 left for them to use

  • Jun 11, 2022
    1 reply

    Vicky’s kid is about to be so f***ed up probably, from the way her body reacted to the V shot it made it look like she’s gonna be really deformed

  • Jun 11, 2022

    Imma be honest, imma be as happy as Hugie was if I got that same power

  • Jun 11, 2022
    2 replies

    Why tf would supersonic tell a train about the plan

    I fw a train but you don't even know or if he's trustworthy in supersonic pov

  • Jun 11, 2022

    Homelander so scary

  • Jun 11, 2022

    Not the strap on

  • Jun 11, 2022
    1 reply

    frenchie or the Asian girl gonna die I have a feeling

  • Jun 11, 2022
    Mitclan 616

    Why tf would supersonic tell a train about the plan

    I fw a train but you don't even know or if he's trustworthy in supersonic pov

    Bruhhhhh I knew itttt

  • BillyBatts

    A-train always disappoints

    He pulled some sucker s*** in the end

  • On episode 3

    Episode 1 started off on a crazy note.

    I'm starting to like those quieter moments some more. I'm kinda over the whole over the top gore, but hey the effects are good. Homelander is f***ed in the head man, damn

  • Jun 11, 2022

    Ep 4 without context

  • Jun 11, 2022

    Keeps getting better and better

  • Jun 11, 2022
    Mitclan 616

    Why tf would supersonic tell a train about the plan

    I fw a train but you don't even know or if he's trustworthy in supersonic pov

    Nah, why would Starlight tell him? Unprovoked? Thought that might’ve been the dumbest writing of the show so far tbh.

  • Jun 12, 2022
    1 reply

    Lmao at them referencing the Kendall Jenner commercial

  • Jun 12, 2022
    1 reply

    Stan Edgar every time he has an iso against homelander

  • Jun 12, 2022

    What was even SuperSonics powers did they show it once? Lol

  • Jun 12, 2022
    1 reply
    Chip Skylark

    Deep is such a b****

    can’t stand him. if the writers are tryna paint him as the a****** you hate to love then it’s not working cuz i f***ing hate him

  • Jun 12, 2022

    The crew really falling apart. Hughie high off compound V

    This nigga A Train really a b****. Homelander be disrespecting him but he goes to snitch to him about the plan 💀💀

    a train a grade A coon

  • Jun 12, 2022
    Mitclan 616

    frenchie or the Asian girl gonna die I have a feeling

    french is annoying asl this season idky

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