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  • Jun 13, 2022
    3 replies

    I don't get why Homelander let Stan walk away unscathed. The way he reacted in that scene was a lil out of character. Especially because Stan no longer holds power over him.

  • Jonz

    I don't get why Homelander let Stan walk away unscathed. The way he reacted in that scene was a lil out of character. Especially because Stan no longer holds power over him.

    Probably because he does actually see him as a father figure whether he wants to admit it or not

  • Jun 13, 2022
    1 reply

    Didn't even catch that

    Makes me really hope that Ryan’s eye beams eventually turn blue. But that might come off kinda cliche like lightsaber colors, unless they explain to the audience what different colored light means and why blue is so significant

  • Jun 13, 2022
    1 reply

    I could see Vicky attempting to pop Homelander’s melon in desperation, it not working, and he cuts her head off

    I’m really really hoping there’s not gonna be a murder suicide with Hughie. Because in S3’s first episode Vic tells Hughie to kill her (jokingly) at the movie premiere, and Hughie says he will if she promises a murder suicide. So I’m really hoping that’s not foreshadowing at all

  • Jun 13, 2022
    dr poptart

    I’m really really hoping there’s not gonna be a murder suicide with Hughie. Because in S3’s first episode Vic tells Hughie to kill her (jokingly) at the movie premiere, and Hughie says he will if she promises a murder suicide. So I’m really hoping that’s not foreshadowing at all

    Bro I been thinking it too with an obvious corruption of power storyline with Hughie being set up I could see him getting Homelander's takeover storyline

  • Jun 13, 2022

    My jaw dropped when they showed his body

    the way this show creates tension is f***ing genius, with having the characters discuss their mutiny plans in the Vought Tower- makes it super tense because you know Homelander can be listening to it all

    I’m really hoping that HL is just framing A-Train by saying he snitched, when in reality it was just HL listening to their plans through the walls. especially since Starlight putting on SuperSonic’s terrible song every time probably caught his attention each time lol

    The actor is signed on for more episodes so hopefully we will see more of him in flashbacks or something. Someone on Reddit suggested that the next episode will open with HL interrogating/murdering him

  • Jun 13, 2022

    Holy f*** they went balls to the wall this season

  • Jun 13, 2022
    1 reply

    I don't get why Homelander let Stan walk away unscathed. The way he reacted in that scene was a lil out of character. Especially because Stan no longer holds power over him.

    its because Stan is one of the few people in the series that truly isnt afraid of Homelander. Homelander gets his ego highs through the fear he projects on others, he also gets this through praise and worship but thats another convo. Stan knows this and uses this to his advantage when in confrontation with Homleander, he calmly and nonchalantly attacks his man-child ego.

    Homelander wants to break Stan mentally, he wants Stan to fear him, which is why he wont kill him or even hurt him because it would only prove Stan right in the end.

    Remember the one episode when Butcher had Stillwell hostage and wanted to have her blown up to get Homelander to confess that he raped Becca. Homelander notes that Butcher isnt afraid of him and I think its partly because of this that he saves Butcher when he tries to blow himself and takes him to Becca. He reveals to Butcher that Becca is in fact alive and had Homelanders kid, I think Homelander wanted to see Butcher break more than anything. I could be wrong tho idk

  • Jun 13, 2022

    Lmao at them referencing the Kendall Jenner commercial

    felt like i was watching the boondocks lol. i love how they’ve referenced real life moments in a way that’s hilarious but doesn’t take you out of the scene completely

  • Jun 13, 2022

    Just know hughie gonna take more V and try to take on homelander and get the absolute s*** beaten out of him

  • Jun 13, 2022
    Darth Whoreleone

    its because Stan is one of the few people in the series that truly isnt afraid of Homelander. Homelander gets his ego highs through the fear he projects on others, he also gets this through praise and worship but thats another convo. Stan knows this and uses this to his advantage when in confrontation with Homleander, he calmly and nonchalantly attacks his man-child ego.

    Homelander wants to break Stan mentally, he wants Stan to fear him, which is why he wont kill him or even hurt him because it would only prove Stan right in the end.

    Remember the one episode when Butcher had Stillwell hostage and wanted to have her blown up to get Homelander to confess that he raped Becca. Homelander notes that Butcher isnt afraid of him and I think its partly because of this that he saves Butcher when he tries to blow himself and takes him to Becca. He reveals to Butcher that Becca is in fact alive and had Homelanders kid, I think Homelander wanted to see Butcher break more than anything. I could be wrong tho idk

    Ok that's plausible

  • Jun 13, 2022
    2 replies

    My theory is Stan is a supe

  • It would be s***ty if Ryan defeats Homelander

  • modern warfare 4

    My theory is Stan is a supe

    He gotta be

  • Jun 13, 2022

    My theory at the start of the season was that black noir was actually soldier boy and just playing dumb in disguise in case homelander went Rouge but I guess that's out the window.

  • Jun 13, 2022

    homelander a mfn sicko

  • Jun 13, 2022
    4 replies

    are the comics worth reading or go straight to the show?

  • Jun 13, 2022

    RIP my nigga timothy

  • Jun 13, 2022

    "Your d***s out "

  • Jun 13, 2022

    Stan Edgar every time he has an iso against homelander

    Stan got iron balls man

  • Jun 13, 2022
    modern warfare 4

    My theory is Stan is a supe

    think it would be more badass if he wasn’t. That last scene with them two probably paid homage to this panel in the comics. Just being so fed up with Homelander’s s*** he doesn’t even care if he dies

  • Jun 14, 2022

    I don't get why Homelander let Stan walk away unscathed. The way he reacted in that scene was a lil out of character. Especially because Stan no longer holds power over him.

    He does have power over him still. You're saying Stan is done? Not a chance

  • Jun 14, 2022
    1 reply

    “Look at all these dipping sauces I got for him!”

    I swear Ashley is the most underrated character on the show

  • Jun 14, 2022
    dr poptart

    Makes me really hope that Ryan’s eye beams eventually turn blue. But that might come off kinda cliche like lightsaber colors, unless they explain to the audience what different colored light means and why blue is so significant

    This show usually goes way over the top I wouldn't mind cliche different eye color beams lol

  • Jun 14, 2022

    are the comics worth reading or go straight to the show?

    show is way better

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