  • Melz ⚜️
    Nov 11, 2021
    2 replies

    i saw someone in that reddit thread say new accounts can't win anything

    did you have any luck with a new account?

    Yeah that’s cap i won 3 things on my new account then made a couple others and won stuff on them

    I’ll likely get banned but imma try to finesse and see what happens I’m the guinea pig

    It can take awhile tho I didn’t win for the first 50 attempts on my first account

  • Nov 11, 2021

    Secured a free popcorn too

  • Nov 11, 2021

    Site went down for maintenance

  • Nov 11, 2021

    3 popcorns so far

  • Nov 11, 2021
    1 reply

    Yeah that’s cap i won 3 things on my new account then made a couple others and won stuff on them

    I’ll likely get banned but imma try to finesse and see what happens I’m the guinea pig

    It can take awhile tho I didn’t win for the first 50 attempts on my first account

    How do you do it again?

  • Melz ⚜️
    Nov 11, 2021
    1 reply

    How do you do it again?

    You just keep clicking the link on the Reddit post I linked to enter

  • Melz

    You just keep clicking the link on the Reddit post I linked to enter

    Ok will do

  • Nov 11, 2021

    Yeah that’s cap i won 3 things on my new account then made a couple others and won stuff on them

    I’ll likely get banned but imma try to finesse and see what happens I’m the guinea pig

    It can take awhile tho I didn’t win for the first 50 attempts on my first account

    melz thank you for giving me hope

    im gonna get a free popcorn before my last night in soho showing tonight i know i will

  • Nov 11, 2021
    1 reply

    I won a free ticket, thanks OP

  • Nov 11, 2021

    I won a free ticket, thanks OP

  • Nov 11, 2021

    Exhausted all my chances today, ended with 4 popcorns and 2 drinks

  • Nov 11, 2021
    2 replies

    Make sure I’m following:

    So about 25$ a month and I can go see 3 movies A WEEK?!

    SO 25$ and I can see about 12 films for the month?!

  • Nov 11, 2021
    1 reply
    Oscar Winner

    Make sure I’m following:

    So about 25$ a month and I can go see 3 movies A WEEK?!

    SO 25$ and I can see about 12 films for the month?!

    ya this is my first week and its pretty great

    this month is 0.99 cents too

  • Nov 11, 2021

    ya this is my first week and its pretty great

    this month is 0.99 cents too

    Word I seen that. Might have to sign up…

  • Nov 11, 2021

    bruh how have i only won a drink and nothing else so far? lmao

  • Nov 11, 2021

    Won a drink, ticket and popcorn off 100 tries today

    Doing it again tomorrow

  • Nov 11, 2021

    Ok after 100 tries i got a drink and a popcorn. how y'all mfs getting multiple of each item with one account? i'm just unlucky lol

  • Nov 11, 2021

    3 drinks and 2 tickets with the second account probably cuz i chose a white ass name

  • Nov 11, 2021
    1 reply
    Oscar Winner

    Make sure I’m following:

    So about 25$ a month and I can go see 3 movies A WEEK?!

    SO 25$ and I can see about 12 films for the month?!

    Yessir you should pull the trigger fam

  • Nov 11, 2021

    it’s unreal how good of a deal this is for me lol, i live in DC and it’s 21.95 a month and a regular non imax ticket out here is $16. my dune imax ticket with convenience fee would have been like $23 by itself if i didn’t have a list s*** got me feeling like an amc shill

  • Nov 12, 2021
    1 reply
    lil sunny

    Yessir you should pull the trigger fam

    Fam the only thing I’m worried about is my local AMC not getting enough new movies to make it worth it. Rn they only showing Dune, Eternals, Bond and Clifford and I’ve seen all those except Clifford. Couldn’t imagine going once a week to watch the same movies over and over just to get my moneys worth.

    If they can get it back to how it was with constantly showing new s*** then I’m all in. But this AMC been limiting s*** since Covid. There’s a lot of other movies out rn they not showing.

  • Nov 12, 2021
    Oscar Winner

    Fam the only thing I’m worried about is my local AMC not getting enough new movies to make it worth it. Rn they only showing Dune, Eternals, Bond and Clifford and I’ve seen all those except Clifford. Couldn’t imagine going once a week to watch the same movies over and over just to get my moneys worth.

    If they can get it back to how it was with constantly showing new s*** then I’m all in. But this AMC been limiting s*** since Covid. There’s a lot of other movies out rn they not showing.

    Ah s*** yeah prolly hold off for a bit then. Mine plays everything from tent pole releases to small indie films so I’m out there nearly every week now

  • Nov 12, 2021

    Been milking this like crazy past few months. Just copped an early screening of house of gucci for the 18th too should be raw

  • Dec 7, 2021

    A-List for December

    (Someone else has my NWH ticket for 12/17 and we couldn’t get through with A-List lmao)

  • May 13, 2022

    Just canceled Regal Unlimited and signed up for AMC A List even though the AMC theater is about 20 mins further than the closest Regal.
