It’s a better song than what he dropped last week
I’ll be there if he ever drops
It’s a better song than what he dropped last week
I’ll be there if he ever drops
His album is dropping next month
Best one since Big Sean's single
! would a great song for like madden 06 or something
It's a good meme but it just turns the thread into s***ting on a rapper. Website is like 90% pop gossip. I gotta tend my garden. @blackslug
It's a good meme but it just turns the thread into s***ting on a rapper. Website is like 90% pop gossip. I gotta tend my garden. @blackslug
ok respectable ill stop
Ferg and Rocky missed out not making music like this
Ferg should’ve done drill imo
Ferg should’ve done drill imo
That's a good point, but NY drill after trap lord wasn't UK drill. Very different beasts