For anybody that wanted to see me crash out
I’m risen from the tomb, the stone move
I’m back out
Whips on my back
Now why I could never back out
Make a new thread
Or change thread title @op
This is a great song, exactly what Brockhampton was missing.
Looking forward to what’s next
This goes hard is it gonna be a whole collab album I wonder
I’m sure Ameer doesn’t want it to but this definitely gives old brockhampton energy and I think it’s great
found this in the comments
ameer sounds very good on this, merlyn is a bit of an iffy fit when it’s just the two together though. we’ll see how the ep plays out
So why didnt he just rejoin brockhampton lmao they would have been much better
So why didnt he just rejoin brockhampton lmao they would have been much better
cause brockhampton is f***ing lame
So why didnt he just rejoin brockhampton lmao they would have been much better
Because Kevin Abstract is p****