Damn I hate s*** like this, wasting a chunk of your day on something that doesn't sound bad but absolutely doesn't sound good either is one of the worst feeling on Earth.
I'd rather sit through an absolutely terrible album but at least feel something than bear the weight of the idea that I just threw away some of my time on album that felt like sauceless pastas
Usually a really bad album at least gives you some laughs that kinda make the listen worth it
Bling Bling
Is it just me or this album loud af?
bling bling definitely the best track, banger
I’ll always support Ameer but bro why drop a collab tape with Merlyn as your comeback
No shade to Merlyn but that screaming delivery got tiring three Brockhampton albums in, s*** is not it at all
Ameer has one of the best rap voices of all time, he can easily have a hit he just need good producers (someone with good ear like Kevin and Romil who know how to use his voice)
Listened this morning. Thought it was good but don’t know if I’ll return to it. Was good enough to keep my attention span the whole album though.
So merlyn secretly f***ed with Ameer until brockhampton broke up and it stopped being convenient to keep it a secret? Seems pretty wack
So merlyn secretly f***ed with Ameer until brockhampton broke up and it stopped being convenient to keep it a secret? Seems pretty wack
They had to do what had to be done to get them rca bags tho
Ameer has one of the best rap voices of all time, he can easily have a hit he just need good producers (someone with good ear like Kevin and Romil who know how to use his voice)
Connie is a really good producer
I think Merlyn is a good contrast here. Idk why people are on his ass. He's like a goofy 90s rapper. He's all flavor.
Connie is a really good producer
He didn’t show it here, these beats are mad basic