  • plants 🌻
    Dec 12, 2019

    Nobody much seems to have noticed. There’s a deafening silence from pundits and elites and columnists and politicians on the joint self-destruction of the Anglo-American world. Nobody seems to have noticed: the only two rich societies in the world with falling life expectancies, incomes, savings, happiness, trust — every single social indicator you can imagine — are America and Britain

    Anglo-American societies aren’t really democracies in any sensible meaning of the word anymore. They’re run by and for a class of elites, who could care less, literally, whether the average person lives or dies. In America, that class is a bizarre coterie of Ivy Leaguers pretending to be aw-shucks-good-ole-boys on the one side, like Ted Cruz, and Ivy Leaguers pretending to be do-gooders on the other, like Zuck and Silicon Valley. In Britain, it’s the notorious public school boys, the Etonians and Oxbridge set.

    What does the average Anglo-American aspire to be, do, have? To be rich, powerful, careless, selfish, and dumb, now, mostly. We don’t, as societies or cultures, value learning or knowledge or magnanimity or great and noble things, anymore. We shower millions on reality TV stars and billions on “investment bankers.” The average person has become a tiny microcosm of the aspirations and norms of elites — they’re not curious, empathetic, decent, humane, noble, kind, in pursuit of wisdom, truth, beauty, meaning, purpose. We’ve become cruel, indecent, obscene, comically shallow, and astonishingly foolish people.

    The result is that a whole society grows poorer and poorer. Unable to invest in themselves or one another, people’s only real way out is to fight each other for self-preservation, by taking away their neighbor’s rights, privileges, and opportunities — instead of being able to give any new ones to anyone. Why give everyone healthcare and education when you can’t even afford your own? How are you supposed to?

    Society melts down into a spiral of extremism and fascism, as ever increasing poverty brings hate, violence, fear, and rage with it. Trust erodes, democracy corrodes, social bonds are torn apart, and the only norms left are Darwinian-fascist ones: the strong survive, and the weak must perish.

    As they become poorer, people begin to distrust each other — and then hate each other. Why wouldn’t they? After all, the grim reality is that they actually are fighting each other for existence, for the basic resources of life, like medicine, money, and food. As distrust becomes hate, people who have nothing to give anyways end up having no reason to even hope to give anything back to anyone else. Why give anything to those people you are fighting, every single day, for the most meagre resources necessary to live? Why give the very people who denied you healthcare and education anything? Isn’t the only real point of life to show that you beat them by having a bigger house, faster car, prettier wife or husband?)

    A society of people so poor they have nothing left over to invest in one another is dying. It goes from prosperity to poverty, from optimism to pessimism, from cohesion to distrust and hate, from peace to violence — at light speed, in the space of a generation. That’s America and Britain’s story today, just as it was the Soviet Union’s, yesterday, and Weimar Germany’s, before that.

    They are in a death spiral now, but no opponent or adversary brought them there. It was their own fault, and yet they still go on choosing it. They don’t know any other way now. Their elites succeeded at making the average person truly, fervently believe that battling perpetually for self-preservation was the only way a society could exist.

  • Dec 12, 2019
    3 replies


    That's why the elites are importing millions of low IQ people from the 3rd world who wont have any wealth nor mental capacity to stand up to them.

    White middle class was the only thing capable of preventing elites from subverting this planet into a dystopia where the elites are God and everyone else is an ant that gets genocided (once the AI is capable of doing 99% of human jobs) Why do you think they will "share" their wealth ? Lmao

  • Dec 12, 2019
    · edited


    That's why the elites are importing millions of low IQ people from the 3rd world who wont have any wealth nor mental capacity to stand up to them.

    White middle class was the only thing capable of preventing elites from subverting this planet into a dystopia where the elites are God and everyone else is an ant that gets genocided (once the AI is capable of doing 99% of human jobs) Why do you think they will "share" their wealth ? Lmao

  • plants 🌻
    Dec 12, 2019
    1 reply


    That's why the elites are importing millions of low IQ people from the 3rd world who wont have any wealth nor mental capacity to stand up to them.

    White middle class was the only thing capable of preventing elites from subverting this planet into a dystopia where the elites are God and everyone else is an ant that gets genocided (once the AI is capable of doing 99% of human jobs) Why do you think they will "share" their wealth ? Lmao

    get this racist dogshit out my thread please

  • Dec 12, 2019

    I'm NOT going to argue with any of you.

  • Dec 12, 2019
    1 reply

    get this racist dogshit out my thread please

    You have no argument and you know it

  • Dec 12, 2019
    1 reply

    bro we've been slaves on the rothschild's land for over a century. if you dont think so, stop working and see if they still let you live where you live.

    we're disposable to the ones on top. inconveniences even. they're just doing what they can to further the divide and narrow the number of accomplishes they have to share the resources with.

  • Dec 12, 2019


    That's why the elites are importing millions of low IQ people from the 3rd world who wont have any wealth nor mental capacity to stand up to them.

    White middle class was the only thing capable of preventing elites from subverting this planet into a dystopia where the elites are God and everyone else is an ant that gets genocided (once the AI is capable of doing 99% of human jobs) Why do you think they will "share" their wealth ? Lmao

    damn u a REAL nigga. in 4 people to call u racist even tho they can't objectively dispute a single thing you said

  • Dec 12, 2019


  • Dec 12, 2019

    They want to open borders so they can automate via technology and any job left over that isn't in the entertainment industry or, automated, will be given to illegal immigrants off the books for way lower than minimum wage because unfortunately the immigrants will not even realize they are being robbed.

  • Dec 12, 2019
    1 reply

    OP just discovered wealth inequality

  • Dec 12, 2019
    1 reply

    People talking about importing 3rd world immigrants when this country is literally built off immigrants

  • Dec 12, 2019

    Thread full of

  • Dec 12, 2019
    2 replies

    You have no argument and you know it

    The west purposely deprived these the 3rd world of equal opportunities to them in the name of political warfare end resource control, and these immigrants, sometimes even refugees of Western-run proxy wars, are people who have been fed propaganda of the American dream and come here to escape the torment we inflict upon their governments either directly or indirectly. However, propaganda is propaganda. They'll have to take the lowest paying jobs because that's all that's left in this country, and with prices so high, there's no way social mobility is possible in this country.

    It's not an IQ issue, but rather the desired effect of Western and Sino-Japanese hegemony in industrial-digital times over countries thats couldn't develop as fast due to them not having the extremely competitive economic, social, and political environments that Europe and East Asia had in pre-colonial times

  • Dec 12, 2019
    1 reply

    People talking about importing 3rd world immigrants when this country is literally built off immigrants

    False equivalence

    If you take antibiotics at one stage to heel yourself you dont need to KEEP taking them, that's harmful. I'm not anti immigrant I'm anti bullshit.

    We import a million people a year LEGALLY and God knows how many illegally. They drive housing up and wages down. I got laid off a powerplant as an electrical engineer because of cheap visa replacement from India.

  • Dec 12, 2019
    1 reply
    Americana 2

    The west purposely deprived these the 3rd world of equal opportunities to them in the name of political warfare end resource control, and these immigrants, sometimes even refugees of Western-run proxy wars, are people who have been fed propaganda of the American dream and come here to escape the torment we inflict upon their governments either directly or indirectly. However, propaganda is propaganda. They'll have to take the lowest paying jobs because that's all that's left in this country, and with prices so high, there's no way social mobility is possible in this country.

    It's not an IQ issue, but rather the desired effect of Western and Sino-Japanese hegemony in industrial-digital times over countries thats couldn't develop as fast due to them not having the extremely competitive economic, social, and political environments that Europe and East Asia had in pre-colonial times

    I'm not denying it, however that doesnt negate anything I have said

  • Dec 12, 2019
    1 reply

    I'm not denying it, however that doesnt negate anything I have said

    it negates your idea that it's an IQ issue. It's not. It's the US putting third world countries in the s***ter and then feeding them the idea that there's something to gain in the US, but then putting them in the s***ter here. It's not that there's a lack of mental capacity it's that there's simply no way for these people to stand up to injustice because they'd lose their only employment

  • plants 🌻
    Dec 12, 2019
    1 reply
    frank 2022

    bro we've been slaves on the rothschild's land for over a century. if you dont think so, stop working and see if they still let you live where you live.

    we're disposable to the ones on top. inconveniences even. they're just doing what they can to further the divide and narrow the number of accomplishes they have to share the resources with.

    Bro you are preaching to the choir.

  • Dec 12, 2019

    Bro you are preaching to the choir.

    consider it an amen

  • plants 🌻
    Dec 12, 2019

    OP just discovered wealth inequality

    man i been banging the drums about this s*** for a minute now

  • Dec 12, 2019

    This is gonna sound uncommon to some but: These societies are experiencing the plagues of Egypt. It’s only going to get worse.

  • plants 🌻
    Dec 12, 2019

    False equivalence

    If you take antibiotics at one stage to heel yourself you dont need to KEEP taking them, that's harmful. I'm not anti immigrant I'm anti bullshit.

    We import a million people a year LEGALLY and God knows how many illegally. They drive housing up and wages down. I got laid off a powerplant as an electrical engineer because of cheap visa replacement from India.

    and who are you mad at about that?

  • plants 🌻
    Dec 12, 2019

    because if you are mad at the 'low iq' immigrant and not the boss that decided you weren't worth it then you're deluded

  • Dec 12, 2019

    remember that money is just a differentiation tool

    and it only exists in a physical form to give you a reason why you do all of these pointless things, why we have wars, and why you endlessly race to live like your idols

    and we wonder why everyone depressed and unfullfilled

  • Dec 12, 2019
    3 replies

    Kkktt at it again