Also when you hear europeans especially say s*** like “america is obsessed with race” just know that they mean they like being casually racist
Obviously America has a dangerous strain of anti poor and police violence that predominatly affects black Americans but as bad and real as that is it isnt the norm
The avg lower middle class and up black person living in a medium or large city faces less racism than in europe, Australia, Canada etc
Well it’s the most diverse country on earth so that comes naturally. But even in the most diverse city on earth there’s still a lot of racial tension so things can always improve.
Ofc America is still the best place to be all things considered
Well it’s the most diverse country on earth so that comes naturally. But even in the most diverse city on earth there’s still a lot of racial tension so things can always improve.
Ofc America is still the best place to be all things considered
Best place to be for who?
Just speaking as a black American who’s lived abroad
A lotta of the “developed” world is still in the 90s as far as anti colonial and anti racist rhetoric
Also why u always see europeans s***ting on americans for being “sjws”
Nope, Canada is.
Canada is comparable in the gta area but the rest of the country is pretty anti black
Canada is comparable in the gta area but the rest of the country is pretty anti black
cant u say the same for America with its metropolitan and rural areas
How are you measuring progressiveness
Ability to have race discussions and knowledge of the average citizen on racial injustice history
Now all these countries are still s*** but In my experience America is wayyy better
List of Countries OP has been to:
Canada is comparable in the gta area but the rest of the country is pretty anti black
Huge black population in the East of Canada & GTA area, but you’re right - kind of trails off in man/sask/ab. BC very progressive as well.
ive been in Canada for the last few months
im telling you guys I don't think racism is a problem here
Also when you hear europeans especially say s*** like “america is obsessed with race” just know that they mean they like being casually racist
This is true. I always see some dutch cacs complain in fb comments about people bringing up race everytime, they haaaate it when it comes to adress racism
ive been in Canada for the last few months
im telling you guys I don't think racism is a problem here