Tracklist for Covers
1. Iron & Wine - "Never Meant"
2. Blondshell - "The Summer Ends"
3. Novo Amor & Lowswimmer - "Honestly?"
4. Ethel Cain - "For Sure"
5. Yvette Young - "You Know I Should Be Leaving Soon"
6. Girl Ultra - "But the Regrets Are Killing Me"
7. M.A.G.S. - "I’ll See You When We're Both Not So Emotional"
8. Manchester Orchestra - "Stay Home"
9. John McEntire - "The One With the Wurlitzer"
never meant and the summer ends are classic tunes. never been compelled in the slightest to listen to the post-reunion stuff.
never meant and the summer ends are classic tunes. never been compelled in the slightest to listen to the post-reunion stuff.
This is the moment I’m learning there is post reunion stuff
I live like a half mile away from this house lol.
Had plenty of drinks at CC Club as well, Replacements are real legends
never meant and the summer ends are classic tunes. never been compelled in the slightest to listen to the post-reunion stuff.
LP3 is def worth a listen, really good and explored some new territory for them
never meant and the summer ends are classic tunes. never been compelled in the slightest to listen to the post-reunion stuff.
Post reunion stuff is basically just Owen records with a full band