  • Apr 1, 2023

    Nicholls State University assistant professor Joseph Tokosh has resigned amid an investigation into sexual harassment allegations linking him to a clown fetish he may have imposed on students.

    According to reporting by Nicholls Worth Managing Editor Sally-Anne Torres, six students told of how Tokosh would give them bonus points for allowing him to paint their faces. The Nicholls Worth is the campus newspaper.


    Jaiden Valore said just before Tokosh left the school he told his Geography 103 class that the "grade inflation task force" was cracking down on him because his students' grades were too high. He and other students were discussing Tokosh on Yik Yak and then they stumbled onto his Reddit page.

    Tokosh's Reddit account, which he hasn't posted under in three years, contains clown-themed images and videos. He has videos of young girls of undetermined ages wearing clown makeup, videos of him hitting young girls with Boston Cream pies, and images and videos of himself in clown makeup.

    "And I was like, 'Bro that's wild,'" Jaiden said. "I'm low-key sick to my stomach about it."

    In three different posts, Tokosh describes himself as having both a clown and a face painting fetish.

    "I told my introductory-level college class that I've always had a strange liking for clowns. Some students said if they came to my office as clowns would I give them bonus points," wrote Tokosh in sub-reddit r/trashy four years ago. "Thinking it was a joke I said yes. So today this student shows up. I wonder if she knows this is actually my fetish…"

  • Apr 1, 2023
    3 replies

    Dress it up and make it real for me...

  • Apr 1, 2023
    12 replies

  • Apr 1, 2023
    Mountain Dude

  • Apr 1, 2023
    4 replies

    What the f***.

  • Apr 1, 2023

    One mans fear is another mans fetish

  • Apr 1, 2023
    1 reply

    Clussy got him acting up

  • Nigga WHAT

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Apr 1, 2023

    which one of y'all is this

  • Apr 1, 2023
    4 replies
    Mountain Dude

  • Apr 1, 2023

  • Apr 1, 2023

  • Apr 1, 2023
    2 replies

    why on earth did he feel like the internet needed to know any of this about him lol

  • Pic checks out

  • Apr 1, 2023
    4 replies
    Mountain Dude

    What the f***.

    What is the opposite of based?

  • Apr 1, 2023
    1 reply

  • Apr 1, 2023
    Oblivion X
    · edited

  • Apr 1, 2023



  • Apr 1, 2023

    Let him cook

  • Apr 1, 2023
    Mountain Dude

    What the f***.

    Fun to turn really pretty things into ugly things sounds like some psycho serial killer s***

  • Apr 1, 2023

    Bro thot he was really the Joker when he cooked that title up

  • Apr 1, 2023
    Mountain Dude

  • Apr 1, 2023
    Oblivion X
    · edited

    Tokosh rn:

  • Apr 1, 2023
    1 reply

    This dude saw Harley Quinn once and said “yeah, I’m into that s***