Please do
Sonic youth
Velvet underground
The doors
Talking heads
Chuck berry
The ramones
Frank Zappa
Glenn branca
The new York dolls
Ariel pink
The modern lovers
Black flag
Patti smith
The strokes
Chuck Berry was Rakim, Beatles were Vanilla Ice
That’s pretty disrespectful bro
Sonic youth
Velvet underground
The doors
Talking heads
Chuck berry
The ramones
Frank Zappa
Glenn branca
The new York dolls
Ariel pink
The modern lovers
Black flag
Patti smith
The strokes
And how is this better than England my mahn.
I mean this with all due respect.
And how is this better than England my mahn.
I mean this with all due respect.
Because they sound better what do you mean bruh
Because they sound better what do you mean bruh
This is simply not true.
Pink Floyd
The Smiths
MBV (Irish and British)
Joy Division/New Order
Cocteau Twins
No country can ever compete with this list ever.
This is simply not true.
Pink Floyd
The Smiths
MBV (Irish and British)
Joy Division/New Order
Cocteau Twins
No country can ever compete with this list ever.
Except America who birthed all them
Except America who birthed all them
Wish you Merry Xmas my mahn.
Please stay well :)
This is simply not true.
Pink Floyd
The Smiths
MBV (Irish and British)
Joy Division/New Order
Cocteau Twins
No country can ever compete with this list ever.
They’re not better
They’re not better
Wish you Merry Xmas my mahn.
Please stay well :)
The Brits weren't giving me no Funkadelic, Earth Wind & Fire, Stevie Wonder, Prince, or Michael Jackson. So I ain't tryna hear em
Don’t patronize me
I was being sincere. I hope you know that
I was being sincere. I hope you know that
Thanks I suppose Don’t know why you said it tho
Thanks I suppose Don’t know why you said it tho
There isn’t much more to say.
I think it’s laughable to compare the artists but I don’t think either of us will change our opinion.
Americans got mothafuckin Miles Davis is you s***tin me come on now
Burial though
the f*** i look like listening to music from people who eat beans on toast for breakfast