It’s funny to think how much more explicit and graphic WAP is than anaconda given that anaconda was considered super controversial at the time
But anaconda was too iconic. Ppl more used to this hyper sexual s*** now so it hits a lil less
It’s funny to think how much more explicit and graphic WAP is than anaconda given that anaconda was considered super controversial at the time
But anaconda was too iconic. Ppl more used to this hyper sexual s*** now so it hits a lil less
this is why i found it interesting
the reception for wap just seems very different compared to how much people hated anaconda at the time
this is why i found it interesting
the reception for wap just seems very different compared to how much people hated anaconda at the time
I feel like ppl have gotten used to it so there’s less outrage. I also think the internet/social media is a lil less centralized now especially in regards to music so the negative/positive reaction to stuf seems to have less collective power but idk
Anaconda for sure
Song was better
And fap material was better
Literally niggas was jerking off to anaconda, maybe partly cus i was 14 so it did me for us but honestly i can still see myself getting turned on by it in 2020
D*** was on soft for wap
Anaconda all day, song used to give me wood ngl
Nvm the video lmao literally the song alone
Anaconda was such a dumb song.
The video was literally the only reason people talked about it
WAP is nothing special either though
Anaconda all day, song used to give me wood ngl
Nvm the video lmao literally the song alone
Anaconda is significantly better musically.
Also Nicki is badder so that video is much hotter