The slouchy f***er couldn’t bear the will of humans eh? Looks like we were wrong and didn’t have the full story when we doubted humans vs bears...we only had the synopsis
Bears are the most formidable land animals except for hippos elephants
Formid this glock
If you ever see me fightin in da forest
With a grizzly bear
y’all bet put some respek on these bear’s names man, I’m personally offended YERD ME??
This is a really small bear lol
I don't think you realize how big bears get
nd bro still got b****ed!
Black bears aren’t really dangerous
That was a baby too
If you ever see me fightin in da forest
With a grizzly bear
Holy s***. I would have pissed my pants bro
y’all bet put some respek on these bear’s names man, I’m personally offended YERD ME??
Formid this glock
Grizzlies can take bullets to the skull and keep charging because of how dense their bones are
Don’t let @op s anti bear propoganda fool you. Bears will destroy you and send your soul flying into the sky
Grizzlies can take bullets to the skull and keep charging because of how dense their bones are
Don’t let @op s anti bear propoganda fool you. Bears will destroy you and send your soul flying into the sky
Most animals are easy to win in a fight its just that nature documentaries got this generation wussed out
Whats a bear gonna do against a triangle choke? Can an alligator grapple? No
neither of these include a bear really fighting tho
they're generally pussies and run when you get big and loud
where's the video where a hungry bear just absolutely mauls and eats a guy that's the one i wanna see
neither of these include a bear really fighting tho
they're generally pussies and run when you get big and loud
where's the video where a hungry bear just absolutely mauls and eats a guy that's the one i wanna see
Khabib beat a bear
apparently only 25 people have been killed by bears in the last 20 years so more power to ya if u decide to face one head on