  • Sep 6, 2021
    2 replies

    And they ranked this man the most intelligent rapper lol

    Instead of considering the fact that he may have information which you do not, or has personal experience that leads him to saying this, you insinuate that he's an idiot who must be saying ignorantly racist things.

    Says a lot more about YOU than it does of Kendrick.

  • Sep 10, 2021

    Instead of considering the fact that he may have information which you do not, or has personal experience that leads him to saying this, you insinuate that he's an idiot who must be saying ignorantly racist things.

    Says a lot more about YOU than it does of Kendrick.

    still a racist line

  • Sep 11, 2021
    Allen Iverson

    How is it dumb when it’s true. I’m pretty sure he was directly referencing the music industry with that line, and literally every real power player exec is Jewish lol

    every single demographic including race and religion is disproportionately over represented in the elite besides white anglo saxon protestants

  • Sep 11, 2021

    Instead of considering the fact that he may have information which you do not, or has personal experience that leads him to saying this, you insinuate that he's an idiot who must be saying ignorantly racist things.

    Says a lot more about YOU than it does of Kendrick.