  • p r o v i d e r

    thread got me in tears each time i enter

  • What if "Why Lawd?" is nothing more than the cry of pain that everyone in this thread must endure knowing that there is someone out here who is listening to the album before us and doesn't want to share it

  • ktt scandal itt

  • Apr 11
    1 reply

    this feels like when that one guy on reddit had the these days vinyl


    this feels like when that one guy on reddit had the these days vinyl

  • Apr 11
    1 reply

    Alchemist said the production on here is so good he wanted to throw his laptop out of a window

  • ialexlopes

    i know bro, i have been here since ktt1
    it's just fun to mess with folks sometimes
    but now ya'll believe me?

    i will literally give you the biggest wedgie



  • newaccount42069

    Alchemist said the production on here is so good he wanted to throw his laptop out of a window

  • Apr 11
    4 replies

    Who else has Yes Lawd! as one of they all time favorite albums period cause I do

  • 57 days till this classic drops

  • Apr 11
    1 reply

    Who else has Yes Lawd! as one of they all time favorite albums period cause I do

    you real

  • the garden

    you real

    Hit me with that album ranking

  • Apr 11
    1 reply

    Who else has Yes Lawd! as one of they all time favorite albums period cause I do

    I do but not until last year

    Discovered that jawn at a vulnerable period in November 2022 span that nearly 3-5 times a day until about June 2023. Really really special album for me

  • Apr 11
    1 reply

    I do but not until last year

    Discovered that jawn at a vulnerable period in November 2022 span that nearly 3-5 times a day until about June 2023. Really really special album for me

    For me I was there on the drop and I knew it was an instant classic, and also came at a difficult time in my life so I feel you on that. Special album fr

  • FlyHiii

    For me I was there on the drop and I knew it was an instant classic, and also came at a difficult time in my life so I feel you on that. Special album fr

    I always tried to get into it but I think I had to be 25 (when my unc brainwaves started to kick in) for it to really click

  • Apr 12
    1 reply

    did this leak yet

  • FlyHiii

    Who else has Yes Lawd! as one of they all time favorite albums period cause I do


  • Apr 12
    2 replies

    did this leak yet

    i'm finally unblocked in this site.
    if it depends on me, it's not gonna leak.

  • Apr 12
    1 reply

    i'm finally unblocked in this site.
    if it depends on me, it's not gonna leak.

    bro does not have the album

  • FlyHiii

    Who else has Yes Lawd! as one of they all time favorite albums period cause I do

    First listen classic, was damn near the soundtrack to my life for awhile

  • justnumbers

    bro does not have the album

    i have sent proof some pages ago

  • Apr 12
    1 reply

    i'm finally unblocked in this site.
    if it depends on me, it's not gonna leak.

    Can we trade the Gangrene album with a singular full listening of Why Lawd? for all the homies here on discord or something similar?

  • Apr 12
    1 reply

    Can we trade the Gangrene album with a singular full listening of Why Lawd? for all the homies here on discord or something similar?

    if there's at least 10 people that wanna do this, and you all have to promise no one will screen/audio record the call.

  • Apr 12
    1 reply

    if there's at least 10 people that wanna do this, and you all have to promise no one will screen/audio record the call.

    It seems more than fair to me. Let's see if anyone else agrees, otherwise I'll get over it and wait for June