this is interesting considering he was mad at how travis handled his verse on Carousel
I did might I have peep james blake discog
lindisfarne ii one of my fav james blake songs
pretty much all his s*** is worth checking out but i'd for sure check out his s/t and overgrown.
this is interesting considering he was mad at how travis handled his verse on Carousel
I thought he just initially wanted off bc it was construed that Travis was transphobic because he removed a model from his cover?
The fact James manifested 3k into his artistic trajectory
He’s a Stan and used to play this remix he did a lot in like 2009-2010
It’s kinda werid and off beat but 1:55
I thought he just initially wanted off bc it was construed that Travis was transphobic because he removed a model from his cover?
damn u right nvm
Even so though, I kinda agree that frank has gotta have made some artists annoyed with his silence on stuff they’ve done, how or when it’ll come out and how it’ll turn out
Andre is luckily just an artsy guy and saw the vision lol
Dope story
Cool how he ended up working with James Blake later on without even knowing he was involved lmao, the world works in weird ways sometimes
Does anyone know why or where what Andre says on solo reprise fits into blondes themes?
Frank obviously resonated with it to keep it in his mind for 3 years and have it still be on an album that he spent years making.
Where does a verse about a rapper growing older and being kind of a lone wolf fit into blonde? is it bc of the albums themes of also growing older and changing ?
Does anyone know why or where what Andre says on solo reprise fits into blondes themes?
Frank obviously resonated with it to keep it in his mind for 3 years and have it still be on an album that he spent years making.
Where does a verse about a rapper growing older and being kind of a lone wolf fit into blonde? is it bc of the albums themes of also growing older and changing ?
Better yet, how does it fit with Solo’s themes