I can see where op is coming from, in the same vain that Jay E can't be considered top 5 off rapping ability alone before dropping his solo work, and his solo work proved not to hold up. Need at least one Andre project showing he can carry it solely himself.
the thread is called: "andre 3000 is not a top 10 rapper"
You did the following:
1. mention he has one album that aint even a majority rap album
2. mention an EP that ain't rap at all
3. bring up hella solo artists that have dropped solo rap albums
Why do yall keep not bringing up De La Soul which would be the greatest comparison for the arguments yall keep trying to make in this thread.
1. because nobody gives af about de la soul as rappers.
2. love below has the same amount of rapping as any drake album.
3. i just mentioned look ma no hands because y'all act like there isn't a single f***ing solo release by him for some reason
the thread is called: "andre 3000 is not a top 10 rapper"
You did the following:
1. mention he has one album that aint even a majority rap album
2. mention an EP that ain't rap at all
3. bring up hella solo artists that have dropped solo rap albums
Why do yall keep not bringing up De La Soul which would be the greatest comparison for the arguments yall keep trying to make in this thread.
aint nobody has Posdnuos in their top 10
I can see where op is coming from, in the same vain that Jay E can't be considered top 5 off rapping ability alone before dropping his solo work, and his solo work proved not to hold up. Need at least one Andre project showing he can carry it solely himself.
yall keep bringing up an album that was a double disc outkast album and homie don't even start rapping until track #5.
aint nobody has Posdnuos in their top 10
De La Soul might be the only rap group that all members only ever do group s*** and never tried to do solo work. I respect that about them niggas.
3k over Wayne?
Yeah we got to see Wayne decline at a point 3K basically stopped at his peak and just drops amazing verses from time to time Wayne’s still in my top 3 all time though
50 over andre?? as a rapper?
Not for me but I won't really be offended if someone said that, 50 is a very successful and great rapper, some people might put him on their lists over Andre or certain legends. My whole point was that there are enough goats that all of them won't come in Top 10 and it's fine, they have different strengths which different people might prefer over others.
Yeah we got to see Wayne decline at a point 3K basically stopped at his peak and just drops amazing verses from time to time Wayne’s still in my top 3 all time though
As a solo artist Andre ain’t even ahead of future bro
i love how the solo argument only exists for andre, nobody says this s*** about q tip, pusha, literally any wu tang member, etc
They don’t call them top 10 neither lol but push is
As a solo artist Andre ain’t even ahead of future bro
Idc about a solo album if he’s 1/2 of the greatest hip hop duo/group ever
BuT hE dOeSnt hAvE a sOlO aLbuM
But these niggas gas up artists who have 1000x features and writers on their projects
But since Dre makes music with Big Boi suddenly hes not in contention
its also like why does having solo even matter
he was half of one of the greatest rap groups ever and has like a million features
Niggas not counting a solo album because it is packaged with another album
But count these solo albums with features on every song and a ghostwriters
We really gotta gatekeep discussion against niggas that were born after Y2K cause goddamn
^ never smoked a mid blunt riding around to Lemonade
No cap OP is not wrong, 3 stacks’ legacy alone will put him in the top 20 for sure.
But compared to the rappers who are in most people’s top 10/top 5s. Andre can’t hold up cuz he an’t got solo to his name.
No cap OP is not wrong, 3 stacks’ legacy alone will put him in the top 20 for sure.
But compared to the rappers who are in most people’s top 10/top 5s. Andre can’t hold up cuz he an’t got solo to his name.
Jay Z, Eminem, Nas. And Lil Wayne all disagree
This all depends on what the criteria for your list is. I can see people not having Andre on there for not having a solo
But you can't tell me he's not top 10 skilled all time
Not for me but I won't really be offended if someone said that, 50 is a very successful and great rapper, some people might put him on their lists over Andre or certain legends. My whole point was that there are enough goats that all of them won't come in Top 10 and it's fine, they have different strengths which different people might prefer over others.
yall keep bringing up an album that was a double disc outkast album and homie don't even start rapping until track #5.
ok technically its a double disc but most cosnider love below to be a solo album lol
its 2 albums in one love below is one of the albums
and yeah he doesnt its still a creative dope ass influential album