jus bc a nigga introverted doesn't make him mysterious lmfao
he really not even that introverted he be outside all the time. its hella stories of people just randomly running into him in NY
So when I read OP, he’s saying Andre is 15-20 all time but not top 10.
Let’s just think of this statement logically.
Bruh lmaooo that’s such a small margin of difference between where you’re ranking him and where you are adamantly saying he can’t be ranked by others. That’s 5 positions. There’s thousands of rappers and hundreds of great rappers. Hahaha, it’s ultimately a meaningless statement you’re making. You have him as a top 20, that means he’s pretty f***ing amazing to you and maybe to some hes more amazing than the 5 rappers you think he’s less amazing then and vice versa.
Like what you’re really saying is Andre 3000 is amazing but there are 14 rappers I prefer. And I think that’s fine, but if someone said Andre 3000 is number 1, that’s fine too.
If it's such a negligible difference then why make this thread. Op wanted to make a distinction that he isn't who so many of us think he is.
he really not even that introverted he be outside all the time. its hella stories of people just randomly running into him in NY
introverts go outside
he really not even that introverted he be outside all the time. its hella stories of people just randomly running into him in NY
you can be an introvert and be outside a lot
it's jus the way you interact with s***
If it's such a negligible difference then why make this thread. Op wanted to make a distinction that he isn't who so many of us think he is.
I understand and agree but it’s a really silly exercise because if you’re saying a rapper is your top 15 that means you must think extremely highly of them so I’m just hella confused by the point of this.
Ngl I’m a big Andre fan but op spittin. Similar reasons why Lauryn Hill isn’t mentioned in anyones top 10.
She should be
I didn’t say that at all. Y’all be projecting your own thoughts on other people
u know damn well what niggas mean when y'all say mysterious lmao stop it
Hip Hop is the only genre of music where artists can be “GOATS” without releasing albums and being a glorified feature artist
I understand and agree but it’s a really silly exercise because if you’re saying a rapper is your top 15 that means you must think extremely highly of them so I’m just hella confused by the point of this.
Uhh that’s the whole point
Hip Hop is the only genre of music where artists can be “GOATS” without releasing albums and being a glorified feature artist
Imagine thinking Andre hasn't released an album.
You bout as dumb as the person that brought you in this b****
Hip Hop is the only genre of music where artists can be “GOATS” without releasing albums and being a glorified feature artist
And hip hop is the only genre of music where the fans can be so stupid they make posts like this
Hip Hop is the only genre of music where artists can be “GOATS” without releasing albums and being a glorified feature artist
Now this would’ve been bait had I put it in OP
Imagine thinking Andre hasn't released an album.
You bout as dumb as the person that brought you in this b****
Yeah one album that came as apart of a double disk.
Look at you getting emotional bringing up that nigga mama calling her dumb for no reason. But im the troll 🥴
Yall niggas make the most ridiculous stipulations to call someone a GOAT but you put niggas like Future and Carti in the top 10 for way less
Andre has a diamond album
Number one singles
3 classic albums
Some of the best verses of all time.
A more than a decade career making music
And KTT gonna sit and say he hasn't made enough music
I'm out.