Crazy thing is you both took the L arguing on an internet forum
Nigga was arguing with himself lol I kept saying nothing but good things for him and he responded with paragraphs that I didn’t wanna read lol
The entitlement in this thread is nuts and exactly why he doesn’t want to put out a rap album
One of the best interviews I’ve ever read that beautifully sums up the creative process. So many shameless consumers in this thread trying to order music from him like he’s a restaurant menu 💀 “add vocals” “OUT” “rap album next??!” For f***s sake
I am excited to give this a go, and thrilled that he’s inspired to share some music again. Life’s too short
Why is what I’m saying bothering u
Listening to the interview
Does it sound like he might be touring this album?
Looool flute tour would be crazy
need a teaser or a sample or something god please
I guess "Carlos Nino & Friends - Conversations" is a good indication of the sound of the record
Its got André playing flute and the same percussionist and guitarist hes gonna have on his album
@Syllable is right with this one
BB: What music are you listening to now?
A: I always listen to a lot of jazz, a lot of Thelonious Monk. The new Kid Cudi album Speedin’ Bullet 2 Heaven is awesome to me. That’s kind of like the most recent thing that I think is really great. But other than that I’ve kind of just been working in the studio and listening to what I’m doing.
Ive been listening to jazz and thelonious monk too….these rap nerds just wouldn’t understand
People want a Andre solo so bad, you’d think they hated Big Boi
I hate Big Boi why not but that don't mean I want Andre solo