I know exactly what you mean about Ye—in an alternate universe, he could've locked in with the Robert Glasper/BADBADNOTGOOD neo jazz scene and really explored instrumental variations of his sound
I'm loving the first listen too, just finished That Night In Hawaii and I'd call that the weakest thus far arrangement-wise, but overall this feels pretty solid. Very evocative and fun to follow improv work, which comes with downsides as all improvisational work does—you can really hear the seams sometimes, especially with André sadly. It's not to a terrible point at all, though, and I'm really impressed with it so far as is.
You get it
Yeah my biggest worry when the album was announced and what he was doing wasnt the idea of the flute but more or less just the arrangements lol very impressed with the output. And also Agee that the Night in Hawaii is the weakest. But for his first outing and dip into the genre it’s really great and imaginative.
How are the flutes guys?
So far this is so so beautiful I feel every note in my chest
Just put this s*** on its time. Andre got me into Steve Reich and Phillip Glass a few years ago from his Rick Rubin interview. That kind of music has grown on me so much I say a third of what I listen to is classical now. This is just the epitome for me
Philip Glass goes hard at the gym btw no cap
Philip Glass goes hard at the gym btw no cap
Oh yeah that stuff builds and build and builds
Going into the album, I was legit wondering how someone would even pull off a flute album
This sounds like some Zelda music
Nah really tho, I feel like that’s why I find it so relaxing. Zelda is a huge nostalgia trigger for me
Nah really tho, I feel like that’s why I find it so relaxing. Zelda is a huge nostalgia trigger for me
Yeah man this is nostalgic for me. Def can play this at home and chill
Yeah man this is nostalgic for me. Def can play this at home and chill
Car rides for me, especially after s***ty days like today. I was gonna pop a lsd tab for this but I had to catch myself lol
It’s obvious you don’t like or listen to ambient music.
“An album no one will talk about after this week” is top 5 most annoying things ktt users can say because it completely covers their ass from construction cohesive criticism
yes you got me I don't listen to ambient music never met a person in real life who does either
I'm sure however big that scene is will be eating this album up.
Listened to neph & Danny now it’s time to fall asleep to the soothing sounds of Andre 3000
yes you got me I don't listen to ambient music never met a person in real life who does either
I'm sure however big that scene is will be eating this album up.
You ain’t got ever played a Donkey Kong Country game?
yes you got me I don't listen to ambient music never met a person in real life who does either
I'm sure however big that scene is will be eating this album up.
Used to use this song for studying every time
yes you got me I don't listen to ambient music never met a person in real life who does either
I'm sure however big that scene is will be eating this album up.
Jesus, you must be young lol
Go spin some Brian Eno.
Used to use this song for studying every time
!https://youtu.be/-zjCGL7e0c0?si=xdVlo-7roMETMHqaWas waiting for this to be posted lol
f*** i wish i had a hi fi sound system, would’ve had this s*** flowing through the crib
It'd be cool if he brought other musicians on here
I think his biggest mistake was labeling this a 3000 project and not a side project, which gave people a way bigger expectation for what this would be
Eeeh. He was very transparent on what this was from the get go. And I also believe he clearly doesn't give af about ppl being disappointed, or whether or not they buy. Just wanted to drop an album he felt passionate about, which is all the more reason to release it under your actual name(or stage name you're known as).
Was waiting for this to be posted lol
I love this song lol, melancholic but peaceful.