Do people expect him to make some love below or do some shutterbug like big boi. Im not the biggest Andre fan but after listening to that ep (in memory of his parents), the last thing he’d drop is a hip hop/rap album. This is almost like a therapeutic journey for him with using the experimental ambient sounds to convey that feeling
ok but again you are fully relying on other people's opinion here, which i don't need to you are not gonna convince me of s*** lmao.
Why are you fighting for some s*** you don't like so bad g, go grab some kleenex and play something you DO like
I ain't convincing you or trying to. I want you to think if you yourself actually like this album. If you do - GREAT! Also, if this record is so great, you got timestamps for favourite moments on the records? Nah, because it's universally flowing trash start to finish. The only clever aspect was the song titles., and after reading those, they just set you up for a colossal let down when you get hit with flutes for 90 mins when you thought there would be at least something thought provoking from the song titles. I got nothing from this, just a damn headache.
The point stands, if this had a random name attached to it, do you really think you would like this or even listen to it to begin with. You wouldn't unless you LOVE ambient music and its none of our top genres lets be honest.
ok — if it had a random name attached to it, I might not check it out initially, if I didn't know who they were— that goes for the vast majority of music b. Am I more interested/invested because it has Andre's name attached? Absolutely. That does absolutely not f***in mean I wouldn't like it if someone else made. Sounds like some ryuchi sakamoto s***, and I do listen to ambient music, I'm so sorry you didn't get your rappity raps brother, sincerely now stop yucking our yum HOE!
I ain't convincing you or trying to. I want you to think if you yourself actually like this album. If you do - GREAT! Also, if this record is so great, you got timestamps for favourite moments on the records? Nah, because it's universally flowing trash start to finish. The only clever aspect was the song titles., and after reading those, they just set you up for a colossal let down when you get hit with flutes for 90 mins when you thought there would be at least something thought provoking from the song titles. I got nothing from this, just a damn headache.
Damn no disrespect but you sound stupid as hell rn
ok — if it had a random name attached to it, I might not check it out initially, if I didn't know who they were— that goes for the vast majority of music b. Am I more interested/invested because it has Andre's name attached? Absolutely. That does absolutely not f***in mean I wouldn't like it if someone else made. Sounds like some ryuchi sakamoto s***, and I do listen to ambient music, I'm so sorry you didn't get your rappity raps brother, sincerely now stop yucking our yum HOE!
Stop the cap. You wouldn't even bother, if you heard snippets you'd say what in the soundcloud is this trash. Silly me for expecting a rap album, from a rapper. He ain't a talented flute player, thats a fact, this ain't stevie wonder we're talking about with the harmonica, he can play that like no one else. Andre is out of his element and it shows, big time.
I ain't convincing you or trying to. I want you to think if you yourself actually like this album. If you do - GREAT! Also, if this record is so great, you got timestamps for favourite moments on the records? Nah, because it's universally flowing trash start to finish. The only clever aspect was the song titles., and after reading those, they just set you up for a colossal let down when you get hit with flutes for 90 mins when you thought there would be at least something thought provoking from the song titles. I got nothing from this, just a damn headache.
Oh brother, you sound absolutely insufferable
This is nice music to do a*** to. Great choice for the midnight romp.
10/10 3k Flute by Adam & Eve when?
Yeah, because he 'subverted expectations'. For the past 20 years, even more, people having been waiting for a hip hop record. They expect a hip hop record. No one wanted or asked for Andre to make ambient flute music over 17 minute tracks for 90 mins and improv it. And the whole 'he's giving you what you need, not what you want' or the 'you don't know what you want until you get it' - we'll see how this record performs and we'll see what people really wanted.
With the hype behind Andre's solo debut album, after a 20 year wait, from one of, if not THE most renowned hip hop artist artistically (he's up there), I'll STILL be shocked if this goes Platinum, the quality of the record itself is utter bile, it sounds like if you gave a 10 year old a studio and sound engineer and a flute and told them to just do whatever you want. That's the level here. He's one of my favourite artists ever - it's hilarious seeing people pretend that they bump this.
he's a music artist. he made a music album. get over your narrow-minded definitions
Oh brother, you sound absolutely insufferable
This album was insufferable, so glad i got that across
Album is super peaceful and filled with emotion. It’s crazy how he put all those sounds together and made it fit the titles
he's a music artist. he made a music album. get over your narrow-minded definitions
He literally slapped his whole fan base in the face with this. It's blatant. But you get the 'imma listen to flutes for 90 mins bc andre made it and im tryna be individualistic, maaan' crowd. CORNY.
Stop the cap. You wouldn't even bother, if you heard snippets you'd say what in the soundcloud is this trash. Silly me for expecting a rap album, from a rapper. He ain't a talented flute player, thats a fact, this ain't stevie wonder we're talking about with the harmonica, he can play that like no one else. Andre is out of his element and it shows, big time.
He literally said in the gq interview that the album is him finding his feet and exploring. It’s cool to not like the project as much as you want but your reasoning doesn’t hold any weight
I ain't convincing you or trying to. I want you to think if you yourself actually like this album. If you do - GREAT! Also, if this record is so great, you got timestamps for favourite moments on the records? Nah, because it's universally flowing trash start to finish. The only clever aspect was the song titles., and after reading those, they just set you up for a colossal let down when you get hit with flutes for 90 mins when you thought there would be at least something thought provoking from the song titles. I got nothing from this, just a damn headache.
dawg I don't even have timestamps for tracks I've been listening to for decades
if you need words to provoke thought, just go listen to some rap s*** idk. read a book
Stop the cap. You wouldn't even bother, if you heard snippets you'd say what in the soundcloud is this trash. Silly me for expecting a rap album, from a rapper. He ain't a talented flute player, thats a fact, this ain't stevie wonder we're talking about with the harmonica, he can play that like no one else. Andre is out of his element and it shows, big time.
YOUUU stop the cap, ain't no WAY you even listened to this s***!!!
I ain't convincing you or trying to. I want you to think if you yourself actually like this album. If you do - GREAT! Also, if this record is so great, you got timestamps for favourite moments on the records? Nah, because it's universally flowing trash start to finish. The only clever aspect was the song titles., and after reading those, they just set you up for a colossal let down when you get hit with flutes for 90 mins when you thought there would be at least something thought provoking from the song titles. I got nothing from this, just a damn headache.
You ever been to a jazz concert or any concert that doesn’t involve words?
He literally said in the gq interview that the album is him finding his feet and exploring. It’s cool to not like the project as much as you want but your reasoning doesn’t hold any weight
He is SELLING this work. if he made it free fair enough. Experiment all you want, maybe not a good idea to charge your fans full price for an album they didn't ask for and tell them 'yeah i'm doing something new which i suck at rn, hope you enjoy it'. also he could have made an experimental album without pretending he was from India. It's the corniest thing I've seen in music in a while
This album was insufferable, so glad i got that across
na you just being a whole ass b**** go do something you enjoy
he's a music artist. he made a music album. get over your narrow-minded definitions
exactly lmao if you don't like it don't listen but don't act like he's insulting anybody bc you didn't get the solo album you wanted from him lol
you had ppl back in the Speakerboxxx/Love Below days who prlly hated Love Below bc there wasn't more rapping also...he's not forcing anyone to listen
He is SELLING this work. if he made it free fair enough. Experiment all you want, maybe not a good idea to charge your fans full price for an album they didn't ask for and tell them 'yeah i'm doing something new which i suck at rn, hope you enjoy it'. also he could have made an experimental album without pretending he was from India. It's the corniest thing I've seen in music in a while
Don’t buy, don’t listen. We don’t care either way
He is SELLING this work. if he made it free fair enough. Experiment all you want, maybe not a good idea to charge your fans full price for an album they didn't ask for and tell them 'yeah i'm doing something new which i suck at rn, hope you enjoy it'. also he could have made an experimental album without pretending he was from India. It's the corniest thing I've seen in music in a while
Wtf are u talking about man