  • Aug 20, 2021

    Elon Musk proposing a s***ty idea again? color me surprised

  • Aug 20, 2021

    Elon, you did it again you crazy b****** you

  • Aug 20, 2021

    this guy really tryna kill every job

    The fact that a reduced need for work through innovation is a bad thing for humanity just shows how absurd capitalism really is lol

  • Aug 20, 2021
    Scratchin Mamba

    Imagine thinking these people have any empathy and wouldn't just give us the bare minimum needed to prevent a revolt

    True true I guess I just think being in deadend jobs where youre paid like s*** and treated like s*** is the dystopia rn

    I know people who were loving life on furlough here. Soon as Covid restrictions eased and they had to go back to work they quit their service jobs etc because time off made them realise they couldn't put up with that s*** anymore

    You're right it would prob be the bare minimum like it is for welfare rn tho so that would be horrible

  • Aug 20, 2021

    arrive to some b****es

  • Aug 20, 2021

    Yea aight

    Just wait until these things are designed to be stronger, not to mention they won't get tired if they are chasing you


    Def gon be used for warfare

  • Aug 20, 2021

    I want one of these things to shave my ass for me

    Ur girl aint gon like this post

  • Aug 20, 2021
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    The economy might boom but we will literally be of no use to the people that own the technology and actually directly reap the benefits of the economy doing well.

    We'd be fully dependant on their taxed income, I don't know how anybody could be comfortable with that power dynamic.

    It's mostly lower educated people who will he f***ed again, like always

    Dont see robots take over any higher educated jobs soon

  • Aug 20, 2021
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    Imagine thinking these people have any empathy and wouldn't just give us the bare minimum needed to prevent a revolt

    People will have more time on their hands tho, so revolting and crimes are easier to do too. So doubt they can just go for the minimum, unless they want UBI to fail (and i can see them want that too)

  • Aug 20, 2021

    Gonna strap a flesh light on its head

  • Aug 20, 2021

    It's mostly lower educated people who will he f***ed again, like always

    Dont see robots take over any higher educated jobs soon

    That mostly depends on which field tho, many jobs which require higher education will still be automated

  • Aug 20, 2021

    People will have more time on their hands tho, so revolting and crimes are easier to do too. So doubt they can just go for the minimum, unless they want UBI to fail (and i can see them want that too)

    They will sedate us with nice little gadgets and digital entertainment so we stay busy consooming and don't even think about how we getting f***ed

    At least that's what they'll try to do, no way we're gonna reap the benefits of automation to the extent that we should

  • Aug 20, 2021

    Android stays WINNING

    Android officially > iPhone now

  • Aug 20, 2021

    We got 20 years before it's over. Enjoy it.

  • Nessy 🦎
    Aug 20, 2021

    this is some marketing bs

    if they really wanted an efficient robot they wouldnt give it the anatomy of a human being

  • Nessy 🦎
    Aug 20, 2021
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    Imagine thinking these people have any empathy and wouldn't just give us the bare minimum needed to prevent a revolt

    UBI pitch presentation

  • Aug 20, 2021

    Universal basic income

  • Aug 20, 2021

    That’s a person in a suit

  • Nessy 🦎
    Aug 20, 2021

    but seriously why would they make a clean human looking robot for dangerous repetitive and boring tasks? if anything these should fit for care services or for events with a lot of human interactions

  • Nessy 🦎
    Aug 20, 2021

    musk is basically what the yeezy company would be if ye had an engineering degree

  • Aug 20, 2021

    Upload your conscious to neuralink and get a free undying body!

    I can see that happening eventually tbh.

  • Aug 20, 2021

    UBI pitch presentation

  • Aug 20, 2021

    No ass

  • Aug 20, 2021

    they start making android 18s its a wrap for women

  • Aug 20, 2021

    We're in the Endgame now

    They should start by making realistic AIs/NPCs in video games.

    They want real life parks to feel alive, but we can't even make open world games feel alive yet.