I got bored here's my tier list
S = GOAT anime
A = Great anime I recommend to people
B = Good anime that I enjoyed, not going to rewatch
C = Anime that is okay, kinda overrated
D = Trash anime
Never watched = I never watched but planning to
Angel Beats & ass class at C :(
Angel Beats & ass class at C :(
Yeah, I just think they’re overrated especially Angel Beats
Yeah, I just think they’re overrated especially Angel Beats
You're right about Angel Beats.
I got bored here's my tier list
S = GOAT anime
A = Great anime I recommend to people
B = Good anime that I enjoyed, not going to rewatch
C = Anime that is okay, kinda overrated
D = Trash anime
Never watched = I never watched but planning to
Death Note too high tbh
I really be adding animes to 'plan to watch' lists that I have no intention in watching smh
I love Death Note it's at least A tier for me
A Tier yea maybe, but not S the second half of it falls off way too much for it to be S imo.
Another disappointing season of My Hero in the books. the direction/pace if this show is so unsatisfying
Keep watching, episodes 9-12 are straight heat.
Finished it
Those episodes were good but most of what came before it was mid
Last episodes were GOAT enough to warrant an 8/10 though
I got bored here's my tier list
S = GOAT anime
A = Great anime I recommend to people
B = Good anime that I enjoyed, not going to rewatch
C = Anime that is okay, kinda overrated
D = Trash anime
Never watched = I never watched but planning to
Death Note and Champloo are not better than Evangelion and Mob bruh
Another disappointing season of My Hero in the books. the direction/pace if this show is so unsatisfying
Watching Spirited Away, kinda drunk. Ate X****. Was going to keep playing music but decided to watch this. I’m still grooving hard tho.
Never watched this before and kept putting it off. Enjoying it so far. I have both the sub and the dub. Watching the dub just because I’m faded and don’t really want to read it all.
Can you give me a solid list of recommendations, I’m going to get Crunchy Roll next week and I’ll
Still going to download stuff and have Netflix. I’d like a solid list of things to watch.
EDit: if you recommend things I’ve watched all let you know but can’t think of them all off the top of my head. But you’d really help me out expand my knowledge
Can you give me a solid list of recommendations, I’m going to get Crunchy Roll next week and I’ll
Still going to download stuff and have Netflix. I’d like a solid list of things to watch.
EDit: if you recommend things I’ve watched all let you know but can’t think of them all off the top of my head. But you’d really help me out expand my knowledge
In the OP there’s a list of shows that the thread likes you could look around there. You’ve seen a lot of shows or nah tho?
In the OP there’s a list of shows that the thread likes you could look around there. You’ve seen a lot of shows or nah tho?
Yeah I forget a lot of the names but they are like the standard likes say beginner: death note, berserk (movies and shows), spirited away, the boy and the best, steins;gate, Wolf children, kill la kill, all of dragon ball from the original to Z, to GT, To Super and all the movies, Samurai Champloo, some one about kids going into a game (I forget the name). Seven Deadly Sins, full metal alchemist, Naruto Shippuden (haven’t finished it), Cowboy Bebop, Tokyo Ghoul
Plus I’m getting into Hayao Miyazaki (Spirited away) works and Mamoru Hosoda (wolf children, The Boy
And The Beast, the girl who leapt through time) works. Also I’ve watched Akira.
I’m ordering crunchyroll next week for my cousin and I. I see Tower of God is on crunchy roll so I’ll wait to watch it when I pay for the service
@First_Take i was getting the list @FLIZZY posted but I couldn’t really see the images all tk well
EDIt: and don’t recommend attack on titan. It was not for me lol
I got bored here's my tier list
S = GOAT anime
A = Great anime I recommend to people
B = Good anime that I enjoyed, not going to rewatch
C = Anime that is okay, kinda overrated
D = Trash anime
Never watched = I never watched but planning to
Damn monogatari only a C, but it's understandable tbh, its really hit or miss