You ever heard the same voice actor for a show you recently watched and find it weird? You’ve attached them to this other character and now they are a whole different character and sometimes it feels weird.
Psycho Pass has been on hold for me for 6 years now. I watched the first 10 episodes and then for some reason stopped watching it.
I was going to finally finish it but it’s not on VRV.
Please send suggestions, struggling to find something right now.
Fruits basket
Think Imma start The God of Highschool from beginning. Last chapter I read was 351.. which came out a lil over 2 years ago. Vaguely remember what was going on but none of the details or names even.
Anyone itt seen Machiko and Hatchin, and if you have is it any good?
Anyone itt seen Machiko and Hatchin, and if you have is it any good?
Good anime, it's overall ending doesn't feel earned but Michiko and Hatchin's journey from Episodes 1-21 is pretty entertaining.
Still holds up as an 8/10 personal rating and it's been about 6-7 years since I first watched it.
Good anime, it's overall ending doesn't feel earned but Michiko and Hatchin's journey from Episodes 1-21 is pretty entertaining.
Still holds up as an 8/10 personal rating and it's been about 6-7 years since I first watched it.
dub or sub?
No Game No Life ends on a cliffhanger????
And according to MAL there is no season 2?
I was about to give it a 8/10 but if that’s it then I have to give it less.
dub or sub?
The dub is very solid but I wouldn't be surprised if the sub had better voice acting.
No Game No Life ends on a cliffhanger????
And according to MAL there is no season 2?
I was about to give it a 8/10 but if that’s it then I have to give it less.
They leave out half the content and now there is no planned season 2 and it’s been 6 years since season 1.
Aight, fave that ish a 6/10 knowing I’ll never know the ending because reading is 🤮
What to watch next?
Anyone itt seen Machiko and Hatchin, and if you have is it any good?
I didn't like it very much. It had too many episodes for its own good with a lot of them feeling completely useless. Their story could definitely have been told in 12 episodes instead of 22. Ending in particular was garbage.
Good news is it had great style, colourful and vibrant art, and killer soundtrack though. It was definitely made with a western audience in mind so you might like it anyways.
No Game No Life ends on a cliffhanger????
And according to MAL there is no season 2?
I was about to give it a 8/10 but if that’s it then I have to give it less.
Got that deadman wonderland treatment
I didn't like it very much. It had too many episodes for its own good with a lot of them feeling completely useless. Their story could definitely have been told in 12 episodes instead of 22. Ending in particular was garbage.
Good news is it had great style, colourful and vibrant art, and killer soundtrack though. It was definitely made with a western audience in mind so you might like it anyways.
I don't really judge it on the merits as if it was for western or eastern audiences it all comes down to if I enjoy it
Alright, I’m going to watch Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru next.
Alright, I’m going to watch Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru next.
This animation style is fire
Tower of God really the only show that i've been thinking about lately. I think I've watched the current episodes at least 3 times each throughout the weeks its been on air.
Katanagatari art so beautiful really enjoy this show so far
one of the goat anime
Psycho Pass has been on hold for me for 6 years now. I watched the first 10 episodes and then for some reason stopped watching it.
I was going to finally finish it but it’s not on VRV.
Please send suggestions, struggling to find something right now.
S and A in my tier list