I think I have Kill la Kill over Gurren somewhat easily. Feels like there was never a slow episode in the whole show
Great watch
I think I have Kill la Kill over Gurren somewhat easily. Feels like there was never a slow episode in the whole show
Great watch
Both classics
I don't even know which to choose I'm torn between 7, 5, and 1 @Slimane @Gyro @DonJulio
Death Note & Code Geass
Really bad call fam not gonna lie
That’s like reading the fellowship of the ring and saying “dropping lotr, if you can’t finish your story in one book then it’s not a story worth telling”
Bruh the entire of Friends is 236 episodes. Imagine creating a show 4 times as long as that. Absolutely OUT
Bruh the entire of Friends is 236 episodes. Imagine creating a show 4 times as long as that. Absolutely OUT
Bruh did you just compare One Piece to Friends
Bruh did you just compare One Piece to Friends
I compared One Piece to the greatest piece of entertainment ever made.
I compared One Piece to the greatest piece of entertainment ever made.
I’m honestly speechless
I’m honestly speechless
If the greatest show ever can end in 236 episodes, so can your show @all directors
kinda glad I ignored the bad reviews for 3D Kanojo and watched it. Its been the most similar anime I have seen to Golden Time thus far so I can't complain at all about that.
what was the name of the anime with kid going to college moving to his aunt or something and joining a swimming(diving) club or something. It had some nudity and it was funny af garden blue or something? thx
what was the name of the anime with kid going to college moving to his aunt or something and joining a swimming(diving) club or something. It had some nudity and it was funny af garden blue or something? thx
Grand blue, funny af
Grand blue, funny af
If u know anything else like that I'd like to watch
If u know anything else like that I'd like to watch
GTO and golden boy are some all time classic Anime comedies, and they both have a similar humor like grand blue