  • May 15, 2020
    3 replies

    Dont subscribe to any anime-youtubers....I did and got spoiled so b careful

    rec me some good shonen animetubers if you can pls

  • Psychodrama

    this month has been nothing but bad news

    black clover anime and manga dealyed
    one piece anime delayed and manga will have more breaks
    attack on titan delayed
    promised neverland szn 2 delayed
    rezero szn 2 on hold
    final eva movie on hold
    togashi's health got worse

    anime onlys used to s*** on manga readers and vice versa but now we're all affected by this s***


  • May 15, 2020

    rec me some good shonen animetubers if you can pls

    anime balls deep
    scamboli reviews
    mother's basement
    ohara (one piece only)

  • May 15, 2020
    1 reply

    rec me some good shonen animetubers if you can pls


  • May 15, 2020
    1 reply

    this month has been nothing but bad news

    black clover anime and manga dealyed
    one piece anime delayed and manga will have more breaks
    attack on titan delayed
    promised neverland szn 2 delayed
    rezero szn 2 on hold
    final eva movie on hold
    togashi's health got worse

    anime onlys used to s*** on manga readers and vice versa but now we're all affected by this s***

    Still haven't been motivated to start Season 3 of AoT yet but that TPN news stings a bit since Season 1 ended on a high note.

  • Osama bin Harden


    I fw with him as a person and his content but he does so much god damn one piece I have to scroll past him some times

  • May 15, 2020


    f***. knew it got delayed but wasn't sure until when.

    Season 4 probably getting pushed back too

  • May 15, 2020
    2 replies

    what yall watching

    i need something on the side while i work through gintama

  • May 15, 2020

    Still haven't been motivated to start Season 3 of AoT yet but that TPN news stings a bit since Season 1 ended on a high note.


    watch aot

    season 3 goat

  • May 15, 2020
    math fifty

    what yall watching

    i need something on the side while i work through gintama

  • May 15, 2020
    1 reply
    math fifty

    what yall watching

    i need something on the side while i work through gintama

    Just started Gintama like a week ago

    I think I'm 10 episodes in now, show is hilarious

  • May 15, 2020

    Just finished Anthem of the Heart. Some of the emptiness in me just got filled

  • May 15, 2020
    1 reply

    watch Planetes

    Thanks for the suggestion but space and sci-fi

  • May 15, 2020

    Didnt like Bebop that much, Champloo better?

    It’s the same quality to me, I just like Champloo better because it’s about samurais and hip hop

  • May 15, 2020

    rec me some good shonen animetubers if you can pls

    Super Eyepatch Wolf

  • May 15, 2020
    1 reply

    Thanks for the suggestion but space and sci-fi

    It's more about relationships, interactions, love and following your dreams

    the setting is part of this doesnt define it

  • May 15, 2020
    2 replies

    It's more about relationships, interactions, love and following your dreams

    the setting is part of this doesnt define it

    Maybe I’ll look into it more but space is boring

  • May 15, 2020

    Maybe I’ll look into it more but space is boring

    I like different anime at different times of the day

    when I wake up in the morning I enjoy highschool slice of life anime that cheer me up to kickstart the day

    in the evening I watch realy raw rugged gory s*** lel

    and before I go to sleep I watch sci-fi space anime that feel like watching the night sky or I watch some heartwarming ghibli type anime movies

    but that's just me and my mood changes all the time which is why I cant watch 12 episodes of a single anime in a day...instead I like spending the same amount of time with different series

  • May 15, 2020
    1 reply

    Maybe I’ll look into it more but space is boring

    I'm curious, what's the difference between a character drama that takes place in space and a character drama that takes place in highschool? How does one setting make it boring and one setting make it not boring?

  • Nayuta 🐯
    May 15, 2020
    1 reply

    Gelfnir and these creep shots for a character that's a f***ing freshman in high school NEEDS TO BE STOPPED

  • May 15, 2020
    1 reply

    Gelfnir and these creep shots for a character that's a f***ing freshman in high school NEEDS TO BE STOPPED

    Just be glad the anime censors it. Japanese niggas are different.

    I’m actually interested in the story, but s*** is way too sexual for no reason. Honestly if you want s*** to be sexual (I don’t get the point of it when it comes to plot of this though) there’s no reason these characters couldn’t just be college students or some s*** they live on their own and everything already basically.

  • May 15, 2020

    Just started Gintama like a week ago

    I think I'm 10 episodes in now, show is hilarious

    One of my all time favorites. Great comedy and the actual serious moments hit hard as well. So good.

  • May 15, 2020
    1 reply

    this month has been nothing but bad news

    black clover anime and manga dealyed
    one piece anime delayed and manga will have more breaks
    attack on titan delayed
    promised neverland szn 2 delayed
    rezero szn 2 on hold
    final eva movie on hold
    togashi's health got worse

    anime onlys used to s*** on manga readers and vice versa but now we're all affected by this s***

    Wait Togashi getting worst? I thought his health was improving, is he just like a fragile unhealthy guy? Usually diminishing health is said to happen from the toll of mangaka from how hard they’re working on their series and the bad habit of overworking themselves whether weekly or monthly, but he hasn’t released anything in a while.

  • May 15, 2020
    Frank Ocean

    You should catch Vinland Saga for sure

    Yooo been hooked on this since u recommended

    Wtf it’s like got and vikings in anime form so good

    Love the themes and motifs on spirituality as well, gave me “the leftovers” vibe

    Definitely one of the best written animes ive seen, i love how it has usual anime tropes but uniquely enough where u forget sometimes and it feels more like an hbo show or something

  • May 15, 2020

    Wait Togashi getting worst? I thought his health was improving, is he just like a fragile unhealthy guy? Usually diminishing health is said to happen from the toll of mangaka from how hard they’re working on their series and the bad habit of overworking themselves whether weekly or monthly, but he hasn’t released anything in a while.

    hIs condition (lumbago) is affected by any type of activity

    I'm no expert

    from what I saw on twitter someone close to him said his health got worse and that hxh wont be back till '21

    I hope I was deceived tho cause thats terrible news