this doc has been out there for a while now
exactly, im glad ppl are finally giving it attention, but its way bigger than just trump
get all of the freaks out of here
this doc has been out there for a while now
We had no reason to believe it in 2016 it sounded insane back then
Now though
We had no reason to believe it in 2016 it sounded insane back then
Now though
Epstein and Trump have always been sketchy with how they move so it's really not that surprising to me Will be interesting to see if that unearth some undeniable evidence in the future because right now we just have a ton of loose ends
others that i remember are also on the list:
bill gates, bill clinton, prince andrew, david blaine, ralph fiennes
been known for like a year atleast now
We had no reason to believe it in 2016 it sounded insane back then
Now though
its literally FLIGHT LOGS to his pedo island whats there to not believe
its literally FLIGHT LOGS to his pedo island whats there to not believe
Flight logs didn’t come out til around the time epstein was arrested and murdered iirc
Only the original rape complaint came out in 2016. Most of us ain’t even know who epstein was back then
In 2020 this is like when Goku touched down on Namek
Fr. Goku had me working out to get stronger, now Anonymous got me working on my coding skills so I can be a hero like them
Honestly people supporting Anonymous are really playing a dangerous game.
It’s all good atm cos they’re helping the cause you believe in, but allowing a group of cyber criminals / hackers to basically act as vigilantes is a dumb thing to be in favour of
What are you going to do when they do the same thing in support of a cause you’re against?
Except they don't.
Honestly people supporting Anonymous are really playing a dangerous game.
It’s all good atm cos they’re helping the cause you believe in, but allowing a group of cyber criminals / hackers to basically act as vigilantes is a dumb thing to be in favour of
What are you going to do when they do the same thing in support of a cause you’re against?
This is a really dumb take. Nobody is allowing anything. TF are we supposed to tell a cyber criminal? No you shouldn’t do that?
This is a really dumb take. Nobody is allowing anything. TF are we supposed to tell a cyber criminal? No you shouldn’t do that?
I think you’ve taken the “allowing” too literally (possibly my bad for not using the right word).
You’re right we can’t stop them, but I’m talking about the people supporting it - the “OMG anonymous a back haha time to f*** s*** up” type tweets
They helped Snowden, they helped Lupe, they're starting to help us. I'm unapologetically here for it all the way
Imagine these niggas fix an issue that's plagued us for decades in like a day
Highkey I'd get a Guy Fawkes poster to add to my collection of GOATS
They helped Snowden, they helped Lupe, they're starting to help us. I'm unapologetically here for it all the way
Agreed so far they’ve been on the “right” side imo in pretty much everything they’ve been involved with so far, but still think as with any type of vigilantism it has a strong possibility of going wrong in the future