Niggas on some pizzagate conspiracy theory weirdo s*** cause they can’t cope that Drake took down their miracle lyrical rap nigga
CDAN was exposed and ended recently after almost 20 years
CDAN was exposed and ended recently after almost 20 years
Damn u posted before
CDAN was exposed and ended recently after almost 20 years
Can you screenshot it I can‘t read it they want a subscription
Might be all bullshit. But sounds like they’ve had a decent track record?
What the f***
"The identity of CDAN commenter Himmm remains unconfirmed."
It says here
Crazy how it seems like some of you here know about this site
Someone just linked it in the mega thread
The writing on these sites is quite poor, deliberately unclear, and written like those 2000s gossip blogs.
I'm not touching these sites with a three-foot pole, but I'm looking at them through the archive because I'm a p****