niggas getting hyped off a logo on a truck
s*** like ovo sound radio was much better promo
this is just slightly more subtle than that
niggas getting hyped off a logo on a truck
s*** like ovo sound radio was much better promo
Negative for what? because he has some trucks with his album on it driving around? Whats the downside to that lol. Whats to say there isn’t more to the rollout and this isn’t the start? The more the better. Get ready for the roll out to start developing. This is just the start.
someone please explain what 'CLB' is
Certified Lover Boy the title of Drake’s next album
niggas getting hyped off a logo on a truck
s*** like ovo sound radio was much better promo
where’s @ovocrew
I’m not an insider fam lol
Oh ight lol That clb about to have us hyped the rest of the year tho! 😏🦉🥀
niggas getting hyped off a logo on a truck
s*** like ovo sound radio was much better promo
4 Days.
wasn’t this confirmed to be fake
gotta be some sort of merch giveaway for his birthday
U think that truck is gonna drive around, park up somewhere, open up the trailer, and give out clothes?
U think that truck is gonna drive around, park up somewhere, open up the trailer, and give out clothes?
Imagine surprise album drop and surprise pop up shops in all the main cities