  • Apr 16
    1 reply
    Free YoungBoy

    Hush is credited on a lot of early Drake music. Who knows how much he wrote

    Who nose?

  • BonelessWings

    Who nose?


  • Huge Drake Fan

    How embarrassing

    Aubrey Swift at it again

  • yo metro, imma need u to leak one of the timescamp records

  • This is dope, obvious he helped write it tho

  • Apr 16
    1 reply

    Obv drake isn’t writing the s*** on his albums that’s very clearly deviating from his style. Doesn’t take much to imagine he didn’t put much creative work into Jumbotron. If we get references for any of those songs that are quintessential drake songs I’d be looking at him differently tho.

    This sounds like cope but I kind of agree. Doesn't surprise me at all that credited writers did flows for these pop rap style tracks like jumbotron. Him having uncredited writers on songs where he's really rapping is pretty different and much more surprising than stuff like this
    In the context of rap beef obviously it's different though

  • Honestly I don’t care if Drake gets help but the way some Drake fans are acting to the reference tracks getting leaked is funny considering how they love clowning Kanye for the same thing. It’s never been this word for word/bar for bar with Kanye


    This sounds like cope but I kind of agree. Doesn't surprise me at all that credited writers did flows for these pop rap style tracks like jumbotron. Him having uncredited writers on songs where he's really rapping is pretty different and much more surprising than stuff like this
    In the context of rap beef obviously it's different though

    It would only be cope where I have a stake in drake remaining respectable as a writer. I don’t actually gaf abt his standing and I wouldn’t consider him a favorite artist of mine, I’d just be disappointed if the “personal side” of his art was entirely a product of the music-making machine at record labels.

  • Are you telling me Drake didn’t write


    Man f***kkkkkkk