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  • Jun 2, 2021

    The UFO phenomena is greatly exaggerated

  • Jun 2, 2021
    1 reply

    its different every time, but its never aliens

    Your Official theory?

  • Jun 2, 2021
    1 reply

    (It actually isn’t different every time)

  • Jun 2, 2021

    (It actually isn’t different every time)

    What’re the similarities?

  • It's definitely chyna drones, probably operated by synopsis.

  • Jun 2, 2021

    Your Official theory?


    Sometimes it's a military thing, sometimes it's just a water balloon or drone

    UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object so

  • Kengi 💭
    Jun 2, 2021

    Fakenews itt

  • Jun 2, 2021

    UFO doesn't equal aliens

  • Jun 2, 2021
    hot pancakes
    · edited

    ufos undisputedly exist

    now if there are aliens operating them, that’s up for debate

    however, i do believe there is absolutely alien life in the form of microorganisms at least on other planets


    to be clear, i’m not saying microorganisms are piloting ships, i’m saying on other planets, there very well could be small cell sized organisms that exist. especially on places like Europa that have “water”

    also i’m saying that UFOs definitely exist, but UFOs could be advanced tech from Russia or China, it doesn’t mean alien life is controlling them

  • Jun 2, 2021
  • Jun 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Because the military is usually

    1. Around water(vastly unexplored parts of the earth)
    2. In the skies
    3. Around nuclear weapons

    Why do aliens care about nukes? In the grand scheme of things if they can travel faster than light, its nothing, military is also nothing.

    They cant see governments/militaries lie to the people?

  • Jun 2, 2021
    1 reply

    What are the chances OP an alien

  • BVL

    UFO doesn't equal aliens

  • Jun 2, 2021

    Skeptics will debunk every video no matter what it is because they can't handle that this stuff is real. Even when Obama, the Pentagon, and the Navy is saying this stuff is real you have the geniuses on YouTube explaining how the Navy videos show a bird and the Navy couldn't figure it out

  • Jun 2, 2021
    2 replies

    how small does your brain have to be to think that humans are the only civilization in this universe

  • Jun 2, 2021
    Bo Ceephus

    I believe aliens been here

    And if you don't

    Prove it p****

    Onus of proof is on the one making unusual claims brother

  • Jun 2, 2021
    2 replies

    Man how y’all let Dreezy start this s*** lmfao

    He high key made this thread to keep a log of niggas to s*** on once this s*** the the streets

  • Jun 2, 2021

    how small does your brain have to be to think that humans are the only civilization in this universe

    Pea brain take go listen to theoretical physicists talk about this possibility it's by no means clear. There is very likely life out there though just not intelligent

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Jun 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Man how y’all let Dreezy start this s*** lmfao

    He high key made this thread to keep a log of niggas to s*** on once this s*** the the streets

    Soon as our alien overlords reveal themselves he about to be the #1 informant

  • Jun 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Go head and add me to op tho

  • Jun 2, 2021


  • terror

    how small does your brain have to be to think that humans are the only civilization in this universe

    Didn’t they discover an earth 2.0 or super earth that’s like a thousand of light years away? There’s a few habitable planets out there. To think we’re just so special to be the only planet with life is mad ignorant.

  • Jun 2, 2021
    1 reply

    I don’t even know how people don’t believe ufos are a thing in 2021. It doesn’t even have to be aliens but advanced technology from another world. There’s probably a planet out there that’s thousands of years ahead of us and got technology that can move through space like that. Or they could be advanced people living way below the ocean floor. They do be seen by water more than anything and there’s been reports of ufos going in and out of water like it’s nothing.

  • A very small portion of the oceans has been explored. We still got like 90-95% that hasn’t been touched. Who knows what’s out there with us

  • Jun 2, 2021

    Why do aliens care about nukes? In the grand scheme of things if they can travel faster than light, its nothing, military is also nothing.

    They cant see governments/militaries lie to the people?


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