  • Jun 5, 2021
    1 reply
    Noah Parker

    Was it debunked?


  • Jun 5, 2021
    1 reply



  • Jun 5, 2021
    2 replies

    To be real our focus as humans is not there

    I can imagine aliens that work as one be way more evolved then us and even younger

    We were like millions of years living in dirt, and some ppl still are, even tho we got the ressources

    thats why we should help eachother,support people,have healthcare for everyone,free education,universal income!

    so we can advance as a species

  • Jun 5, 2021

  • Jun 5, 2021
    1 reply
    Noah Parker


    Literally read the link I sent you

  • Jun 5, 2021
    HURRY UP kiddash3r

    thats why we should help eachother,support people,have healthcare for everyone,free education,universal income!

    so we can advance as a species

    They’re too focused on funding UFO sack watching

  • Jun 5, 2021
    1 reply

    Show me the last sighting in Africa please

    Africa isnt the most forthcoming country

  • Jun 5, 2021
    1 reply
    HURRY UP kiddash3r

    thats why we should help eachother,support people,have healthcare for everyone,free education,universal income!

    so we can advance as a species

    I think proof that we not the only ones can inspire that

  • Jun 5, 2021
    The Minds Throne

    Sun Tzu - The Art Of War - Interstellar Warfare
    It’s been planned for thousands of years lol


  • Jun 5, 2021

    Africa isnt the most forthcoming country

    Surprising considering the decades of religious hysteria & multiple local sightings

  • Jun 5, 2021

    Almost like if there’s no money to be made selling your story, abductions & sightings happen less

  • Jun 5, 2021
    2 replies

    OP really posted an anti alien thread just to get the same s*** off as in the pro alien thread.

  • Jun 5, 2021
    1 reply

    That boy cldp in here swinging

    Hes like what dreezy is to the official ufo thread

  • che_guevara

    I think proof that we not the only ones can inspire that

    id be happy if it happened man.
    we really suck

  • Jun 5, 2021
    1 reply
    HURRY UP kiddash3r

    Time is Relative to your frame of reference,it doesnt mean that time as a dimension doesnt exist lol

    Im too fried to reply to this with big words, you won

  • Jun 5, 2021
    1 reply

    OP really posted an anti alien thread just to get the same s*** off as in the pro alien thread.

    No I wanted to see what anti ufo people think loser

  • Jun 5, 2021

    Im too fried to reply to this with big words, you won


  • Jun 5, 2021
    1 reply

    Literally read the link I sent you

    It doesn’t say anything about it being debunked

    “ In 1994, 62 school children all reported seeing an alien craft land and extraterrestrial creatures emerge14. Virtually every single one of the 62 children iterated the exact same story with same details and none of them had gone against his/her story. Many dismissed the 1994 incident as mass hysteria affecting the children. But when the children were found to not have much prior knowledge to UFOS or popular UFO perceptions, many other people believed that what the children witnessed could have been real. The children were asked to draw what they have encountered the day prior.”

  • Jun 5, 2021

    That boy cldp in here swinging

    Hes like what dreezy is to the official ufo thread

    Ya’ll are cool & I hope you’re proven right in 20 or so days

  • Jun 5, 2021
    2 replies

    No I wanted to see what anti ufo people think loser

    Motherfucker it's the US military not wanting to admit their front facing infrared cameras cannot handle heat glares et cetera

    My favorite is the one that goes one million miles an hour and "breaks the laws of physics". Its obviously a glare on the visor that moves when the camera turns lmao

  • Jun 5, 2021
    1 reply

    if we actually get some proof of aliens,and that inspires change for the better on this s***hole,I'd be so grateful.

    Until then,act locally,help out those in need

  • Jun 5, 2021

    OP really posted an anti alien thread just to get the same s*** off as in the pro alien thread.

    “I dont read”

  • Jun 5, 2021
    1 reply
    Noah Parker

    It doesn’t say anything about it being debunked

    “ In 1994, 62 school children all reported seeing an alien craft land and extraterrestrial creatures emerge14. Virtually every single one of the 62 children iterated the exact same story with same details and none of them had gone against his/her story. Many dismissed the 1994 incident as mass hysteria affecting the children. But when the children were found to not have much prior knowledge to UFOS or popular UFO perceptions, many other people believed that what the children witnessed could have been real. The children were asked to draw what they have encountered the day prior.”

    I think “The children were asked to draw what they have encountered the day prior.” is supposed to be the indicator of how they came up with it.

  • Jun 5, 2021

    Motherfucker it's the US military not wanting to admit their front facing infrared cameras cannot handle heat glares et cetera

    My favorite is the one that goes one million miles an hour and "breaks the laws of physics". Its obviously a glare on the visor that moves when the camera turns lmao


    Not weather balloon man lol

  • Jun 5, 2021
    Jerry Seinfeld

    I think “The children were asked to draw what they have encountered the day prior.” is supposed to be the indicator of how they came up with it.

    Yeah it was just a prank by the older kids
