  • Oct 20, 2020


  • Dec 2, 2020
    1 reply

    hey bro your stuff is super inspiring!

    i've actually had a similar idea too. wanna make a magazine called existing spaces. was wondering how you design your interview spreads? like, what program do you use?


  • Dec 2, 2020
    1 reply
    aaron xx

    hey bro your stuff is super inspiring!

    i've actually had a similar idea too. wanna make a magazine called existing spaces. was wondering how you design your interview spreads? like, what program do you use?


    i just use photoshop, haven’t gotten into c4d yet or anything else. i want to make this like a bi-yearly magazine in the future, but starting off it was actually supposed to be a way to showcase and sell clothes I came across, and im not really keen on using any kind of social media for a lot of reasons. so it turned into what it is because i wanted to try to change the tone of socials even in whatever small way was possible. so like doing the interviews is my way of putting out the ideas that i have for others to adopt or transform into something that makes their experience as an artist and hopefully as a person easier. if you want to start something that doesn’t lose that spark or fun when you’re working on it, don’t think of it as a brand or magazine or whatever it is. just know that it’s a medium you’re using to bring what’s inside your head to the table. people rely on imagery to build they’re taste, so it’s really important that we don’t limit ourselves to what this was supposed to be or what it is so that we have ultimate freedom and can deliver inspiration and visual and/or sonic standards that can leave a mark on most that come in contact. once you feel that ability to possibly inspire a great mind, it will always be special for you and never lose its meaning no matter what you do. and that feeling translates for a lot of other people too.

    for sure what like to see what you come up with let me know 🍎

  • Dec 2, 2020
    2 replies

    i just use photoshop, haven’t gotten into c4d yet or anything else. i want to make this like a bi-yearly magazine in the future, but starting off it was actually supposed to be a way to showcase and sell clothes I came across, and im not really keen on using any kind of social media for a lot of reasons. so it turned into what it is because i wanted to try to change the tone of socials even in whatever small way was possible. so like doing the interviews is my way of putting out the ideas that i have for others to adopt or transform into something that makes their experience as an artist and hopefully as a person easier. if you want to start something that doesn’t lose that spark or fun when you’re working on it, don’t think of it as a brand or magazine or whatever it is. just know that it’s a medium you’re using to bring what’s inside your head to the table. people rely on imagery to build they’re taste, so it’s really important that we don’t limit ourselves to what this was supposed to be or what it is so that we have ultimate freedom and can deliver inspiration and visual and/or sonic standards that can leave a mark on most that come in contact. once you feel that ability to possibly inspire a great mind, it will always be special for you and never lose its meaning no matter what you do. and that feeling translates for a lot of other people too.

    for sure what like to see what you come up with let me know 🍎

    thanks so much for the reply! i've kinda been wrestling with the idea of how i should start my magazine. the idea of randomly asking people to be a part of it is just a bit weird to me tbh. it's definitely something i'm over thinking though lol.

    i'm actually pretty inspired by we're not really strangers too. like, the idea of a card game (as the medium) that brings people together. but in my case, the medium is a magazine and instead of bringing people together, it's about exisiting in spaces you aren't really welcomed

    i'll for sure let you know how i go with it, we'll keep in touch 🤝

  • Dec 2, 2020
    aaron xx

    thanks so much for the reply! i've kinda been wrestling with the idea of how i should start my magazine. the idea of randomly asking people to be a part of it is just a bit weird to me tbh. it's definitely something i'm over thinking though lol.

    i'm actually pretty inspired by we're not really strangers too. like, the idea of a card game (as the medium) that brings people together. but in my case, the medium is a magazine and instead of bringing people together, it's about exisiting in spaces you aren't really welcomed

    i'll for sure let you know how i go with it, we'll keep in touch 🤝

    it’ll definitely test who you are. it’s still a means of artwork, even things like a macbook or a pencil rely on people’s connection to that art form. sometimes i experience really surreal moments where it feels like i have to make a drastic decision to move this body of work in the best direction, and it makes me question who i am. if you don’t grow with whatever youre putting together, it might fall short. don’t be afraid of anything you want to do being weird. i thought interacting with people on the internet at all was weird when i first started this, but people really provide perspective when you poke them or the strings they’re connected to, and its always really interesting to see. i would say first try everything you think is weird before you don’t.

  • Dec 2, 2020
    aaron xx

    thanks so much for the reply! i've kinda been wrestling with the idea of how i should start my magazine. the idea of randomly asking people to be a part of it is just a bit weird to me tbh. it's definitely something i'm over thinking though lol.

    i'm actually pretty inspired by we're not really strangers too. like, the idea of a card game (as the medium) that brings people together. but in my case, the medium is a magazine and instead of bringing people together, it's about exisiting in spaces you aren't really welcomed

    i'll for sure let you know how i go with it, we'll keep in touch 🤝

    also, i really like the idea of being in the wrong places. something worth exploring ⭐️