Lost me after tell me im pretty
I think its their best album
Tell Me Im Pretty is really close tho
Dan Auerbach's production
Have listened to social cues but i love all of their other albums
Why dont yall like Social Cues?
I think its their best album
Tell Me Im Pretty is really close tho
Dan Auerbach's production
Will give it a spin sometime then. Only listened to the singles but check out the full project. Didn't like the Auerbach influence at all on that tell me i'm pretty, but don't like Auerbach in general music wise. Melophobia their best for me though but I'll listen to Social Cues then
Why dont yall like Social Cues?
its not that i dont like it its just that ive never listened to it
i didnt even know they released a new album until months after it dropped and ive just been forgetting to listen
but listening to the songs youve linked its sounding really good ill peep it soon
my fav from social cues
Bro these deadass in my top 5
This is my 2nd fav from the album
its not that i dont like it its just that ive never listened to it
i didnt even know they released a new album until months after it dropped and ive just been forgetting to listen
but listening to the songs youve linked its sounding really good ill peep it soon
Peep the one i posted and the ones deepsleep posted
Its fantastic
If you got spotify peep expeditiously
Bro these deadass in my top 5
!https://youtu.be/oerwijS1JOcThis is my 2nd fav from the album
yea i listened to it quite a lot when it came out def not a bad album from them imo
Will give it a spin sometime then. Only listened to the singles but check out the full project. Didn't like the Auerbach influence at all on that tell me i'm pretty, but don't like Auerbach in general music wise. Melophobia their best for me though but I'll listen to Social Cues then
The none singles have less of an auerbach influence but if you dont like Dans sound i feel you no prob
Sidenote on Auerbachs production
He made my fav Lana album (ultraviolence) and song
yea i listened to it quite a lot when it came out def not a bad album from them imo
Its their best imo but if someone chooses melophobia i wouldnt be mad
Its their best imo but if someone chooses melophobia i wouldnt be mad
yea i would def take melophobia and tell me i'm pretty over social cues but all are good to great albums to me
Right chea right chea
Why dont yall like Social Cues?
it’s horrendous bruh, hurts to listen to
it’s horrendous bruh, hurts to listen to
Wtf why?
Sounds alot better than their first two albums and a lot less derivative
Which ones havent you heard
Night Running sounds bad to you?