i wish. i want a mpc 2000xl so bad
I have the 500 because of the portability factor and price was a steal but I might have to upgrade soon
Update copped the live 2 in december.
Too dope, heavy, and expensive to comfortably carry around with me lol
Just got an X in January
I’ve owned a few of the older ones, Only one I still have is the 5000
The X is amazing but I’m honestly still looking at an S2400. You just can’t beat the chopping in these newer Mpcs
Bought a used MPC One from Guitar Center, updated the firmware, made one beat, then returned it
I got a used akai studio black, tomorrow I'll get it
Bought a used MPC One from Guitar Center, updated the firmware, made one beat, then returned it
Just didn't have the time to play around with it like I wanted to and it was pretty much an impulse buy at the time. I'll probably buy it again in the future at some point though
I've had two MPC2000XLs, an MPC60, and a MPC4000 over the years -- without a doubt the 2000XL is my favorite beat machine. The beauty is really in how simple and fast it is to get a a sample chopped up and just get a beat going. The workflow is just so smooth.
Now, I actually use a software clone of the 2000XL called VMPC2000XL. It emulates all of the functions damn near perfectly and can be used solely with your keyboard and many MIDI controllers.
izmar.nl is where you can download it, but I'd really suggest building it from source on github because there's lots of fixes on the latest builds.
I haven't used it in a minute, it's on the top shelf waiting to be inherited by my kids when they reach a responsible age.
The live 2 is all I've been rockin
The mpc x se was so unnecessary
a little more ram, drive space & paint for like a rack more is crazy. truly an incredible L
Just got an X in January
I’ve owned a few of the older ones, Only one I still have is the 5000
The X is amazing but I’m honestly still looking at an S2400. You just can’t beat the chopping in these newer Mpcs
real for 2400, thats at the top of my list
I've had two MPC2000XLs, an MPC60, and a MPC4000 over the years -- without a doubt the 2000XL is my favorite beat machine. The beauty is really in how simple and fast it is to get a a sample chopped up and just get a beat going. The workflow is just so smooth.
Now, I actually use a software clone of the 2000XL called VMPC2000XL. It emulates all of the functions damn near perfectly and can be used solely with your keyboard and many MIDI controllers.
https://www.izmar.nl/ is where you can download it, but I'd really suggest building it from source on github because there's lots of fixes on the latest builds.
60 classic or 60 2? & what makes you like the xl over the 4k, i hear good things about the 4k
i got mpc 1000, sp404 og, & sp202. thinking about selling the 202 & 1k so i can get a 404mk2 & upgrade some computer parts tho
real for 2400, thats at the top of my list
Man I had one pre ordered and canceled it cause some other stuff in life happened that I needed money for
When I finally got enough saved again I went for the Mpc x cause I thought it would be the smarter move
I don’t regret getting the X cause it’s pretty crazy, Especially coming from older Mpcs. I always wanted to be able to chop stuff as detailed as I could on ableton but with the Mpc workflow and that’s exactly what the new Mpcs give you. But I kind of miss the limitations and would easily trade all the stupid ass akai plugins these have + all the other completely unnecessary features for a sampler that actually has character to it like the s2400
I always wanted to be one of them old school dudes that do most of their stuff on a single sampler and have really mastered it
Man I had one pre ordered and canceled it cause some other stuff in life happened that I needed money for
When I finally got enough saved again I went for the Mpc x cause I thought it would be the smarter move
I don’t regret getting the X cause it’s pretty crazy, Especially coming from older Mpcs. I always wanted to be able to chop stuff as detailed as I could on ableton but with the Mpc workflow and that’s exactly what the new Mpcs give you. But I kind of miss the limitations and would easily trade all the stupid ass akai plugins these have + all the other completely unnecessary features for a sampler that actually has character to it like the s2400
I always wanted to be one of them old school dudes that do most of their stuff on a single sampler and have really mastered it
how do you like the workflow on the x? im interested in something like the live 2 or x but im concerned the whole touch screen plugin based workflow might feel too much like a daw
also you see the s2400 comes in white now? think when i eventually cop ill grab it in white & get the wood side panels. isla doesnt seem to have any product photos of them yet but this guy has one & it looks clean
how do you like the workflow on the x? im interested in something like the live 2 or x but im concerned the whole touch screen plugin based workflow might feel too much like a daw
also you see the s2400 comes in white now? think when i eventually cop ill grab it in white & get the wood side panels. isla doesnt seem to have any product photos of them yet but this guy has one & it looks clean
https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp03fVDPDiy/The workflow is good, It still feels like an mpc if that’s the main thing your worried about
I was also super worried about the touch screen s*** and plugins but the big touch screen is actually pretty helpful with chopping, other than that it basically works just like the old mpc screens, just fancier
the synth plugins are ok but I don’t really use them at all. I do mainly sample based stuff in it. And if I do want to add any instruments my kontact libraries + prophet 6 s*** on them. The effects are pretty decent tho, I like to keep it simple and mainly just use some delay and reverb just how I would on older Mpcs but I think having access to all the different plugins is what makes people call it a daw in a box. Akai is just so focused on plugins and emulations of things when people really just want the real thing
Which is why I really wanna try a s2400 because I mainly just sample and don’t need all that extra stuff in a sampler when I have infinitely better plugins on my computer
That white one looks nice as f*** tho. I’m kinda glad I didn’t get one yet because I’m definitely getting that one
60 classic or 60 2? & what makes you like the xl over the 4k, i hear good things about the 4k
It was the v1 60; the huge square joint. Loved it for drums but chopping samples without seeing the waveform was annoying.
The 4k is by far the more advanced and feature packed MPC; even just having that high pass filter is invaluable. The main reason I like the 2KXL more though is because it's so simple to get a beat going without many distractions. The 4K is like a DAW within itself, which is amazing, but the simplicity of the the 2KXL works in its favor IMO.
It was the v1 60; the huge square joint. Loved it for drums but chopping samples without seeing the waveform was annoying.
The 4k is by far the more advanced and feature packed MPC; even just having that high pass filter is invaluable. The main reason I like the 2KXL more though is because it's so simple to get a beat going without many distractions. The 4K is like a DAW within itself, which is amazing, but the simplicity of the the 2KXL works in its favor IMO.
you ever mess with a 1000 or 2500? ive never used a 2k/xl so i cant say for certain but they seem like basically an updated version with more ram & storage & faster workflow without being too different. im sure there are some subtle sound differences but that era of mp's isnt exactly known for a characteristic sound the way the 3k & 60's are. they might fall in a nice middle point between the 2k & 4k for you
i never really used the akai os beyond a few minutes to compare to jjos but even the free jjos killed it imo. i use jjos3 which has things like hi/band/low pass, a handful of effects like flanger, tremolo, chorus, 4 band eq, autopan, etc. sample editing has things like bit conversion from 16 bit down to 4-12 & samplerate from 44100, 22050, 11025 which sounds pretty good (i wish you could change samplerate before you record in but its like a 2 key process to convert) you can add fade ins & outs directly to samples from 10 - 1000 ms or use the ahdsr per pad in the program editing, you can pitch shift or timestretch samples without having to wait like 5 mins (which i hear is a big inconvenience with those on 2k/xl)
here's a chart comparing features between akai os & various jjos versions www7a.biglobe.ne.jp/~mpc1000/chart_n.htm
how do you like the workflow on the x? im interested in something like the live 2 or x but im concerned the whole touch screen plugin based workflow might feel too much like a daw
also you see the s2400 comes in white now? think when i eventually cop ill grab it in white & get the wood side panels. isla doesnt seem to have any product photos of them yet but this guy has one & it looks clean
https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp03fVDPDiy/Finally just copped a s2400. They got some B stock on sale right now for a little bit cheaper
Can’t wait to get that s***